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69 Activists Arrested

shutting down Merrimack Station Coal Plant in Bow

67 arrested at Bow power plant protest; largest NH green action 1970s (Union Leader)


"I’m here because I’m deeply concerned that our state legislators are still unwilling to say no to fossil fuel expansion,” she said. “It’s time for them to wake up. They have children too. We need to put people before politics, and planet before profits,” Scherr said."


"Sue Durling of Hillsborough was thinking about her 11 grandchildren as she got ready for the demonstration. “Tears come to my eyes when I realize what life is going to be like for them when they’re my age,” she said. “We screwed it up. We have to do what we can to fix it.”


"Mary Beth Raven of Merrimack, said she has asthma. “And there’s no reason why the fossil fuel industry needs to keep polluting the air and making it harder for me to breathe when there are other alternatives,” she said."


Pat Martin, a retired electrical engineer from Rindge, chairs her town’s energy commission. She said a coal-fired plant is not the best resource to use for peak power generation. “It takes a while to ramp it up,” she said. “And yet that’s how it’s used.”


"Karen Sargent of Westminster, Mass., said it doesn’t matter that the Bow plant is only used seasonally. “They could still use other things, and we ought to be transitioning to other peak fuel systems rather than relying on coal or gas,” she said."

Stop the Granite Bridge Pipeline

Demand a moratorium on all fossil fuel expansion in NH

Jay Inslee opposes Granite Bridge - WMUR

Jay Inslee opposes Granite Bridge - WMUR

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