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Vision, Mission & Shoutouts



ECHO Action is a team of frontline community leaders, environmental and climate activists, property defenders, friends and neighbors with the common goal of promoting clean, renewable energy throughout New Hampshire, our nation and planet for a safe, healthy and prosperous fossil-free future. We understand that to stand against something, you must promote positive alternatives. We believe in equitable, nonpartisan, culturally diverse, gender neutral, inclusive access to clean air, water, food and future. We seek to protect, conserve, preserve and defend all life on Earth for future generations.




In 2014, we were formed in opposition to the Kinder Morgan NED pipeline by bringing together pipeline opponents who wanted to say more than "no pipeline". To effectively oppose something, you must propose better options. We recognize the importance of promoting a hopeful, achievable vision for a healthy planet and a fossil free future. We coordinate with organizations with similar missions and support their work in New Hampshire, the Northeast and nationwide.


In May of 2016, after hundreds of community visibility events, rallies, marches and protests, more than 90% of landowners denied access for pipeline surveys, over 5,000 comments were sent to FERC and hundreds rallied at the NH State House, the NED pipeline was withdrawn.


The impact of expanding fossil fuel infrastructure and climate impact threats are very real. We remain vigilant, involved, aware, and continue to educate communities about the economic, health, safety and climate benefits of energy conservation and renewable energy in support of a safe and healthy future.




Dedicated to protecting communities from the health, safety, economic, environmental and climate risks of fossil fuel infrastructure by promoting an immediate and just transition to 100% renewable energy, collaborating with and supporting the missions of other positive environmental, social and racial justice organizations.




E - Energy & Environment

C - Climate Change

H - Health and Habitat

O - Outreach


We also love the name "ECHO" because it represents amplifying our voices together! #MakeYourVoiceEcho!




We are often asked, "Do you think you can just stop using fossil fuels tomorrow?"


We know we can't pull the plug on all fossil fuels tomorrow, but it's important that we transition to 100% renewable energy now. Here's what we can do today:


1. Stop expansion of all fossil fuels. No more gas, no more pipelines. Repair all of the leaks in pipelines right now, not taking over 140 years, as Liberty Utilities' plans call for. *

2. Don't replace old fossil fuel infrastructure with new fossil fuel infrastructure. Upgrade to renewables.

3. Subsidize weatherization and energy efficiency right now, generating jobs! *

4. Incentivize renewables so that more people and business can afford them! Even if you can't afford renewables, you can go 100% renewable with your electricity right now, today, by choosing an electricity provider that uses 100% renewables. Did you know you can do that? You can! Then you can go renewable without the hardware.

5. Ask our Governor and all of our legislators to support subsidies for renewables like solar and offshore wind - more jobs and it's good for our economy too!


* These measures will increase available energy without adding new fossil fuel capacity. We don't need more gas.


This transition is already in progress, but is not moving at a pace that will mitigate severe and devastating climate impacts. Some countries are at or near 100% renewable now and the amount of cities in the United States that are 100% renewable keeps increasing. We can protect our air, water, food and future by going renewable, but it takes all of us making shifting away from fossil fuels now. NH is ready to be #FossilFree603.




• Renewable Energy Advocates

• Energy Conservationists

• Pipeline & Fracking Opponents

• Climate Activists and Policy Writers

• Environmental, Science and Social Educators

• Scientists, Physicians, Engineers

• Veterans

• Protectors of the Natural World

• Outdoor Recreationalists

• Property Defenders

• Wetland and Coastal Waterkeepers

• Rapacious Researchers

• Citizen Journalists, Writers, Bloggers

• Photographers, Videographers, Graphic Designers

• Student Mentors and Students

• Supporters of Youth Voices




- Coordinating with environmental, activist and political organizations

- Attending Public Utilities Commission (PUC) & State House hearings

- Supporting warrant articles, resolutions and bills

- Empowering residents to use peaceful means to protect their land and their families

- Supporting & coordinating with organizations having mutual goals & campaigns

- Lobbying legislators and organizations

- Testifying at state and federal hearings

- Attending national marches & events

- Educating and building a network of "clean energy candidates"

- Communicating with the press, local and state government

- Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & Pinterest

- Offering training sessions and workshops

- Planning local and regional community events, presentations and meetings

- Organizing community workshops, visibilities and rallies to raise awareness

- Writing letters to the Editor, press releases, newsletters & email blasts


We have an open line of communication with our communities, the press and our legislators. Tight support systems and the ability to juggle multiple tasks and issues keep us busy learning, networking and addressing complex issues on a daily basis.

Shoutouts about our work!

Siobhan Senier, Epping NH


"The knowledge, experience and passion these folks are bringing to NH is just extraordinary. A true labor of love, and they operate on an absolute shoestring. Consider a donation if you can."

Chris Balch, Wilton NH


"From the days of NED [Kinder Morgan "Northeast Energy Direct" pipeline] to today and the current struggle against Granite Bridge, ECHO has been a central player, informing the public and opposing fossil fuels. GREAT WORK and keep it up!"

Mary Kisinger, Fitzwilliam NH


"We are seriously contemplating solar, and are currently receiving estimates for spring installation. It would be good for all of us to better understand that there are many installation options, such as outright purchase of the equipment vs. rental, and how they affect our electrical billing. Thank you for undertaking yet another energy initiative [Solarize Monadnock] for our Monadnock area!"

Deirdre Derchin Olson, Northfield MA


"ECHO is a wonderful group of dedicated, knowledgeable, people who have been in the forefront helping citizens and their communities understand the impacts of fossil fuel buildouts and standing up for their rights for clean air and clean water.


ECHO has always been in my mind the go to group of people who welcomed everyone when we were fighting NED. They always extended their knowledgeable hands out in friendship and solidarity. It has always been a pleasure working with such a fine organization."

Jerry Liguori, Salt Lake City UT


"Great organization! Fighting for a just cause in a professional and educated manner."

Carol Morgan DiPirro, Merrimack NH


"Environmentally concerned, knowledgeable, NH focused."

We collaborate, share campaigns with, and support the work of many environmental organizations.

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