Climate Change
New Hampshire is already experiencing serious impacts from climate change.
The impacts will increase over time. It is our obligation to do everything in our power to mitigate the effects by reducing our energy use and converting our energy system to 100% renewable energy now.
• Decline in moose, loons, lobster, shrimp, cod, maple trees and right whales due to lack of cold water copecods to feed on, and many other species.
• Fewer ski days due to lack of snow cover means a weaker winter tourism economy.
• The Gulf of Maine is warming faster than most of the world's oceans, impacting the variety of species and food for sea life.
• Heat stress, drought and poor air quality are increasing.
• More intense precipitation events, such as hurricanes, causing flooding and damage to infrastructure.
The information shared here is just an overview. Far more information is available from NH Department of Environmental Services and many other resources.
Climate Change is already here.
Some of the joys of New Hampshire, might not be there, if we don't act now.
Climate Change in NH
Moose Watching!
Right Whales seen off Rye NH
Big lobsters from NH waters
Making Maple Syrup!
NH & Regional Climate News
Moose in NH under severe threat from climate change, expert warns (WMUR) 7/27/18
Moose, Loons Are Climate Change 'Canaries in Coal Mine,' Say N.H. Conservationists (NHPR) 2/22/18
Gnaw Pow (Gnarly Powder/Skiing) (NHPR-Outside/In) 3/3/17 LISTEN to the podcast
N.H. Ski Industry Must Cope With Warmer Seasons and Midwinter Thaw (NHPR-The Exchange) LISTEN 3/13/17
​Rising Temperatures Threaten Fundamental Change for Ski Slopes (NY Times) 12/12/12
New Study: Warming Waters a Major Factor in the Collapse of New England Cod (Gulf of Maine Research Institute) 10/29/15
Gulf of Maine will become too warm for many key fish, report says (5/21/17)
Climate Change and Global Warming in New England (New England News Collaborative podcasts)
Global Warming and Moose: A North Woods Icon At Risk (NWF) 3/1/17
Climate change threatens to sink Gulf of Maine fishing industry: As waters warm, valuable species migrate and the fishing fleet shrinks (Portland Press) 6/27/16
Global Warming Pushes Maple Trees, Syrup to the Brink (Nat Geo) 12/2/15
Gulf of Maine is warming faster than most of the world's oceans (9/3/14)