It's better to be #PipelineFree603
• We need to take aggressive action on climate now.
• 410ppm CO2 is dangerously high.
• Climate action is everyone's responsibility.
• 2025 and 2050 are not aggressive enough climate goals.
• Communicating with the public's various interests, organizations, businesses, schools and individuals.
Pipeline Threats
• Concord Steam biofuel plant forced closure & conversion of state, city and school buildings to natural gas.
• Lebanon & Hanover
• Granite Bridge Pipeline: Manchester, Auburn, Candia, Raymond, Epping, Brentwood, Exeter, Stratham.
Kinder Morgan/Tennessee Gas Pipeline's Northeast Energy Direct (NED) pipeline was a massive Northeastern expansion project of natural (fracked) gas from the Marcellus Shale Deposit in Pennsylvania.
The proposed path originally routed through Massachusetts, but when met with resistance, was rerouted through Southern New Hampshire. Those at the forefront of the MA resistance moved quickly to engage and educate communities in NH. The project would have run pipeline from Pennsylvania into NY, MA, NH & ME to be transported to Canada for export.
After several years of strong and increasing opposition to the NED from impacted states, and the inability to obtain enough customers to accept the gas, the NED pipeline was cancelled in May of 2016.
The Trump administration looks upon fossil fuels as a means to profit without regard to the increasing spills and explosions, environmental hazards and dangerous increases in the greenhouse gases that cause climate change, the pipeline threat has returned.
Governor Sununu and Pipelines
NH's Governor Sununu also looks favorably upon fossil fuels and has voiced his intend to support pipelines in the state. Opposition continues. Clean energy proponents and their networks grow as the movement to transition to 100% clean, renewable energy builds, resists and gains strength.
Thank you to our friends at No Fracked Gas In Mass for this list of FERC documents about the NED pipeline and for their dedication to documenting and informing residents of the NED impacted states.
While the return of the NED pipeline is uncertain, we continue to oppose the closing of the Concord, NH biofuel plant, Concord Steam. The state is fast-tracking a deal with Liberty Utilities to power the NH State House, 180 state buildings and the Concord School District at a cost of $25-$100M when there is a no-cost option being ignored.
Canadian company Pieridae looking to acquire more natural gas resources (Breaking Energy) 5/30/17
Pipeline push, round two? Preparation, proaction, preclude panic (ECHO Action: Activist Echoes blog) 5/27/17
Granite Staters urged to post their property and prepare to deny access to pipeline route surveyors (ECHO Action: Activist Echoes blog) 5/26/17
Liberty Utilities seeking city approval for temporary natural gas plant in Keene (Keene Sentinel) 5/15/17
Don't put customers on the hook for pipeline costs, by Susan Wessels 2/17/17
My Turn: Citizens Bank supports the pipeline, so I can't support Citizen's Bank (Concord Monitor) 2/17/17
New Hampshire Gov Willing to Fight for NatGas Pipelines (Marcellus Drilling) 2/10/16
Sununu pledges to fight for natural gas projects (Concord Monitor) 12/10/16
Eversource's chief Quinlan listed as 'host' for Sununu fundraiser (Union Leader) 5/3/17
Eversource president among 44 co-hosts of Sununu fundraiser (WMUR) 5/2/17
Sununu Seeks EPA Chief Pruitt’s Help On ‘Burdensome’ Federal Permit in NH (InDepth NH) 3/12/17
Sununu Says EPA Storm Water Regulations Are Too Burdensome (NHPR) 3/10/17
Sununu invites EPA chief to discuss NH clean water regulations (NH1) 3/10/17
Sununu Invites EPA Chief to Discuss Clean Water Regulations (US News) 3/10/17
Sununu Says He Will Push For The Right Energy Projects (NHPR) 12/8/16
New Hampshire Governor-elect Sununu’s Opportunity: Champion Clean Energy, Not Fossil Fuels (CLF blog) 12/8/16
Gatsas attacks Sununu over campaign donations (NH1) 9/8/16