Liberty Utilities Granite Bridge Pipeline & LNG
HB404 - LNG Fact Sheets
Also on Infographics page

Manchester • Auburn • Candia • Raymond • Epping • Fremont • Brentwood • Exeter • Stratham
Conference Calls
Pipeline Action
Conference Calls
Keene Gas Plant, Granite Bridge Pipeline & LNG Tank
Resist GBP & LNG
Mon Oct 1, 6-8 pm
Fremont Public Library
Action Meeting & Workshop
Bring a laptop & a friend!
HB404 Hearing
Leg Office Bldg, Concord
Bill requiring a 2/3 town vote to say no to LNG tanks
Pipeline 101
Sept 20th, 6-8 pm
Fremont Public Library
Pipeline Awareness Education Presentation
Candia Speaks
“I have a hopeless feeling, dealing with a big, corporate utility with lawyers and money. They’ll only listen when a lot of people get involved. I was a girl in Chicopee, Massachusetts, when there was a major gas explosion that killed several people. I went to school with kids whose parents were killed. After that, the new developments were all electric. There is no gas now in Candia. They will take part of our land and our orchard to build this project.” Read more now
Epping Speaks
A resident in the LNG tank incineration (blast) zone spoke with ECHO Action representatives who were visiting the quarry site and said, "I understand that we're to have a small atom bomb in our back yard."
Why do YOU oppose the Granite Bridge Pipeline?
Tour the Granite Bridge Pipeline Route
View the proximity to schools, town centers, the LNG tanks and the incineration (explosion) zone
Metering Station Moved To Exeter
Liberty Utilities' metering station location has changed from Stratham to Exeter.
Natural (fracked) gas is mainly composed of methane, but includes other toxins and additional trade secret chemicals.
• Light and heavy alkanes
• BTEX - Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene
• Hydrogen and carbonyl sulfides
• Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
• Formaldehyde and other aldehydes
• Particulate matter (tiny soot-like particles)
• Carbon monoxide (CO)
• VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
• Radon, polonium and lead
These toxins have been found using monitoring equipment near compressor stations. Many of the listed substances are Registered Toxic Air Pollutants in NH. It is fair to assume that whatever methane is leaked by a metering station, the gas pollutants go along with it into the air.
Example of a metering station blowdown, a planned or unplanned release of gas to regulate pressure in the line.

A. The Stratham metering station (take station) location from the original Granite Bridge Pipeline map.
NOTE: The "Moreau" easement will cost $75,000 for 100'x300' parcel, which is designated conservation land.

B. The newly proposed Exeter metering station location from page 54 of the Exeter Board of Selectmen minutes.

C. Map shows what is likely the Joint Facilities pipeline easement, showing with the original Stratham metering station and proposed new location in Exeter. (Map and supporting statements, courtesy of Cathy Kristofferson, PLAN-NE.)
Granite Bridge LNG Tank Site in Epping
The LNG tank site can be seen on the interactive map above. The incineration (explosion) zone is approximately .75 mile.
Comments made by residents at an August 27th Epping Select Board meeting, quoted in a recent Seacoastonline article, Epping Selectmen concerns about 2 billion cubic foot storage tank (some facts updated after publication), indicate that Epping residents need more pipeline education.

ECHO Action Photos & Video, ©2018

Liberty Utilities Project Images

Granite Bridge LNG Tank would be larger than the Boston "Rainbow" Tank
Rainbow Tank in Boston: 140 feet tall
Liberty's Granite Bridge LNG (liquified natural gas) Tank: 150 to 170 feet high, 200 feet in diameter, with a 15 acre footprint.
"The United States has had a massive shift in LNG terminal planning and construction starting in 2010-2011 due to rapid increase in domestic supply with the widespread adoption of hydraulic fracking. Many brand-new LNG import terminals are planning or have begun addition of liquefaction facilities to operate as export terminals." (Wikipedia)
What could go wrong with Granite Bridge Pipeline?
Downloadable Flyers
Granite Bridge Pipeline Incineration (Blast) Zone
Businesses in the Major and Minor Impact Radius

Major Impact Radius
Alliance Landscaping
Alpha Bits Learning Center
Auburn Montessori School
Auburn Pitts
Auburn Tavern
Bev’s Custom Canvas and Trailer Sales
Birds of Peace White Dove
Builders Installed Products
Capital Auto Auction NH
Computer Aided Products
Dulac Concrete Foundations, Inc
Dunkin’ Donuts (2)
Evolve Bank and Trust
First Assembly of God Church
Life Storage
Myles Travel Plaza
Personal Touch Home Care
Poolscapes NH
Smiley Veterinary Clinic
Special Events of New England
Sunoco Gas Station
Town Hill Animal Hospital
Minor Impact Radius
C-Squared Systems
Fischer Skis US
Grimard’s Auto Sales and Service
(Auburn Minor Impact Cont)
Lawn Coaster Plus
Nanny& Daycare Services
Techexcess LLC
Major Impact Radius
Clothing At The Castle
European Connection
Fastrax Signs
GAS Motors
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
MacPherson Firearms
PB And J Auto
Seacoast Mills Building Supply
Squiers Auto Body
Minor Impact Radius
Downeast Auto Body
Reflections Salon and Spa
Major Impact Radius
Atlantic Bridge and Engineering
Cobb Matthew A DVM
Dunkin’ Donuts
Harrison Poultry Farm
Irving Oil Company
Perfection Truck Body Equipment Company
Stubby’s Diner
Minor Impact Radius
Peggy Anne’s Quilting and Sewing Co.
Major Impact Radius
900 Degrees Neapolitan Pizza
Bank of America
Brickyard Square
Burger King
Buxton Oil
Country Woods Family Child Care
CVS Pharmacy
Epping Mobil
Fletch’s Sandblasting and Painting
Hurlbert Toyota
Kume Restaurant
Market Basket Supermarket
McDonald’s Restaurant
Morgan’s Towing
NH Liquor and Wine Outlet
O’Neil Cinemas
One Small Payroll Company
One Woof Love
Popovers at Brickyard Square
Proulx Oil and Propane
Regal Nail Salon
Sally Beauty
Service Credit Union
Shires Equestrian
Sig-Sauer Academy
Subway Restaurant
The Beach Plum
(Epping: Major Impact Cont)
Uninet Imaging
Minor Impact Radius
Blue Whale Arts
Dollar Tree
Epping Auto Salvage
Epping Crossing
Lowe’s Home Improvement
New England Dragway
North Atlantic Firewood
Seacoast United Outdoor Complex
Tack Shack
TD Bank
The Beauty Company
Valvoline Oil Change
Major Impact Radius
Absolute Best Chimney
ASAP Textile Printing
Chaps and Chains
Circle T Car Wash
Dunkin Donuts
Extra Care Auto Repair
Fair Haven Baptist Church
First Benefits
Hillview Apartments
Massabesic Lake
Neat Auto Sales
Rockingham Recreational Trail
Sandy’s Variety and Sub Shop
SNG Barratt USA
ST Peter Church
Wildlife Sport Outfitters
Zoey’s Pizza
Minor Impact Radius
Deerhaven Preserve Condominiums
Dick’s Stove and Wood Pellet Supply
Front Park
Lakeside Lanes
Mars Appliance Repair
Moe Joe’s Family Restaurant
Sea Trek Enterprises Sea Food
ST Nicholas Orthodox Church
Stella Arms Apartments
Sunset Ridge
Youngsville Baseball Complex
Major Impact Radius
Granite State Specialties
Onway Lake Family Resort
Play Laugh & Grow
Southbay Cable Corporation
Walmart Distribution Center
Minor Impact Radius
ADEK Industrial Computers
Equine Discovery Center
Gemini Valve
Granite State Trade School
Lucky Corner Restaurant
Magnum Machine
McDonald’s Restaurant
NH Motorworks
Raymond Fire Department
Raymond Police Department
Shell Gas
Strikers East Bowling
The Cork N’ Keg
Major Impact Radius
Bloody Brook
Brentwood Country Animal Hospital
Children’s Learning Center
Dunkin’ Donuts
Exeter Mobil
Montessori School of Exeter
Oaklands Town Forest
Squamscott River
Starry Brook
TBD Bands
The Barking Dog, Ltd.
Thunder River Sports
Minor Impact Radius
CORRECTIONS, Department-Probation
CVS Pharmacy
Dutch Opthalmic, USA
Eastern States Auto Repair
Exeter Decorating Center
Exeter Public Works
Henderson-Swasey Town Forest
Ironman Fitness 88
Key Heating and Air Conditioning
Northeast Distribution
Piano Pro
Portland Glass of Exeter
Shaw’s Supermarket
Tire Warehouse
VIP Tires and Service
Schools, Medical & Spiritual Centers in the Impact Radius
Children's Learning Center-Exeter
Country Woods Family Child Care
Crayon Campus
Elemenope Principles Child Learning Center
Ellis School
Epping Elementary School
Epping High School
Exeter Developmental Pre-School
Exeter Elms Campground
Exeter High School
Granite State Trade School
Great Bay E learning Charter School
Henry W. Moore School
Jesse Remington Christian High School
Little Sprouts Early Education & Child Care
M&C Children's Learning Place
Montessori School of Exeter
Nanny & Daycare Services
Organization Of Day Care Provider
Play Laugh & Grow LLC
Raymond High School
Swasey Central School
Swazey School
The Derryfield School
Colonial Poplin Nursing & Rehabilitation
Elliot Hospital
Exeter Hospital Rehabilitation Services of Raymond
Rockingham County Nursing Home
St. Teresa Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
Ridge of Riverwoods Retirement Community
First Assembly of God
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Manchester Christian Church
Restoration House Ministry Center

We're working to...
• Promote an immediate transition to 100% renewable energy in New Hampshire, New England and nationwide.
• Prevent new natural (fracked) gas franchises in Hanover, Lebanon, Keene and other locations across the state being targeted by Liberty Utilities.
• Promote energy efficiency, conversion to heat pumps, solar, biomass and other renewables.
• Protect the health and safety of Granite State families.
• Protect our scenic state, air and water quality.
Liberty Utilities' relationship with pipeline giant Kinder Morgan
Sue Durling created the graphic on the right and displayed it at a Winchester Select Board meeting where Liberty Utilities was giving a presentation. Liberty Utilities representative Mike Licata was presented with this graphic and was forced to admit Liberty's relationship with pipeline giant Kinder Morgan. -->
Click here to
listen to audio or read the transcript!
Graphic: Sue Durling, 2017
Massabesic Watershed

We have cleaner, safer, economic options that increase job growth. The Granite Bridge Pipeline crosses rivers and would be in close proximity to public water supplies.
House​ explosion brings a closer look at drilling method [gas trapped in frost]
The Rover Pipeline leaked millions of gallons of drilling fluid into Ohio wetlands
Pipeline drilling halted in Middletown
EPA Concludes Fracking a Threat to U.S. Water Supplies
Fracking's Environmental Impacts: Water
EPA reverses course, highlights fracking contamination of drinking water
Fracking can contaminate drinking water
Pipelines and New Hampshire​
Liberty Utilities has been exploiting opportunities to transition New Hampshire to "natural" fracked gas by going after one region at a time, eventually connecting the dots, creating a false demand and the need for an unnecessary pipeline.
In October of 2015, Jaffrey, Rindge, Swanzey, Winchester, Keene, Windham, Pelham, Lebanon and Hanover were announced as targets. Their goal for having a gas plant in Keene supports the plan to create a web throughout the state, regardless of need. They already have service in Manchester, Nashua, Concord and Berlin.
In 2017, Keene, NH became the target for a temporary gas plant, that was approved without a public input session. Now they're working on permits to make the plant permanent. Plans are being discussed for gas throughout the city.
In the fall of 2017, Liberty Utilities began speaking with Manchester, Auburn, Candia, Raymond, Epping, Brentwood, Exeter and Stratham about the "Concord lateral" they have named the "Granite Bridge" pipeline. Early in 2018, Unitil began discussing plans for gas expansion in Epping, one of the towns along the Concord lateral.
Liberty Utilities' plan is to install distribution pipes to supply LNG (liquified natural gas)/CNG (compressed natural gas) from a plant they're working to build in Lebanon. Concord Steam's former customers are being converted to natural (fracked gas) and Keene would be fed by a temporary and then permanent CNG plant. Once these plans go through, Liberty can then say they have the customers that Kinder Morgan was unable to produce and the NED pipeline now has the (false/created) demand they lacked that forced them to withdraw the pipeline on May 23rd, 2016.
Liberty Utilities, aided by legislators from both parties, procured a deal in Concord to spend $25M in taxpayer funds to force the closure of NH-sourced wood biofuel plant, Concord Steam. ECHO Action opposed the closure and loss of NH forestry jobs. Green City Power offered to spend $17M to renovate and upgrade the Concord Steam plant at no cost to taxpayers. They made their presentation public and estimated the real cost to taxpayers to be closer to $100M. Legislators refused to allow their presentation, responded to respectful citizen emails with demeaning comments meant to discourage opposition and told those testifying that they had their opportunity to speak and it was done.
State representatives were told that if they didn't approve the deal, they'd be cold next winter. Despite lobbying hard, challenging the questionable numbers used to justify the project, and strong voices in opposition including Representative Martha Fuller Clark, Democrats and Republicans voted in favor of the taxpayer-burden project.
To better understand the significance of what Liberty Utilities is doing statewide, the role lawmakers have in pushing gas in the state (such as forcing the closure of the Concord biofuel plant), and the overall plan behind this gas expansion, we strongly recommend that you visit our Clean Concord Steam page and while you're there, note the voting record. You'll see that veteran legislators guided members of both parties in pushing the project forward.
We are not victims of the system unless we refuse to speak out and get involved. When we wait until the problem is literally in our own backyard, we give away the power of our citizenship, democracy and our right to be heard, allowing others to make decisions on our behalf, potentially giving permission to build pipelines that poison our air, water, food, putting our schools, churches and communities at great risk from toxic emissions, fires and explosions.
"Natural" fracked gas is methane, a very potent greenhouse gas that is colorless, odorless and toxic. Pipelines and gas plants emit and leak methane and have noisy "blow downs" that intentionally release gas. These gases can only be seen with a FLIR camera and are a health risk. To learn more, visit Pennsylvania's List of the Harmed.
When Kinder Morgan and Liberty Utilities were trying to line up more gas customers to justify the NED pipeline, Hinsdale NH and Vernon VT were considered for a fracked gas plant. Hinsdale now has a solar farm in the works. Vernon VT was receptive to the opportunity because of the closure of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant and loss of jobs. Keene's proximity to Hinsdale and Vernon make using previously proposed pipeline routes potentially viable for a large-scale pipeline infrastructure project that would bring gas from the fracking fields of Pennsylvania to Canada for export, using New Hampshire as a carbon corridor.
Did you know that New Hampshire exports energy? We don't need the gas and it won't lower our electricity rates. We ask you to sign our petition to stop pipeline predators, which unites the state in protecting us from unneeded, unwanted energy infrastructure projects by moving to clean, renewable energy.
After the Kinder Morgan NED pipeline proposal was withdrawn, Liberty Utilities has taken a new approach, planning segmented pipelines that can later be connected to export gas from the Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale deposit to Canada and international markets.
Fracking Hell: The Untold Story [Marcellus Shale]
Pipeline Safety Resources
New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (PUC): Pipeline Safety Overview
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA): Inspections Overview & Intrastate Pipelines
More pipeline information, journal articles and videos
Pipeline Terminology
LNG: Liquefied natural gas. Natural gas cooled to -260º F and converted to liquid at 1/600th the volume in the gas state.
Natural Gas: Naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas & other gases.
Fracked Gas: (Called "natural gas") The process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc., so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas. The gas contains methane, other gases and trade secret chemicals. Northeast gas is assumed to be fracked and from Marcellus Shale in PA. (Fracking video)
More pipeline terminology defined.
Frequently Asked Questions
All of Liberty Utilities' gas ratepayers pay for the pipeline. Ratepayers take all the risk, while Liberty Utilities and their shareholders profit.
On page 49 of 2017 Annual Report (48th page of the pdf), under "Total Unaccounted For Volumes", the lost amount is 2.2%, at a cost of $2.4 million. The most abundant leaks are Class III, which are tiny, but all of those leaks add up. That may sound like a small percentage, but the volume of gas is significant. It amounts to lost product as Liberty Utilities is saying they need more gas. The methane release also contributes to global human-increased climate change.
Leaks in the pipeline and in other transportation are paid for by ratepayers. This gives little incentive to repair leaking product.
When the pipeline and/or natural (fracked) gas becomes redundant, the ratepayers pay stranded costs. That means they continue to pay the costs of the pipeline, even if it stops being used. Liberty Utilities says there are no stranded costs for gas pipelines. That's true at this moment, but it doesn't tell the entire truth.
Renewables are on the rise and these East Coast states are planning or in discussion about implementing offshore wind, a huge renewable energy supply: Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Rhode Island already has the nation's first offshore wind farm! Only New Hampshire is not engaged in studies or plans for offshore wind.
ECHO Action has joined the Seacoast Anti-Pollution League and 350NH in appealing to first Governor Hassan and now Governor Sununu, asking for them to request a federal task force to study #NHoffshorewind in the Gulf of Maine. Governor Sununu said he would request the study if it could be demonstrated that residents were interested. In March 2018, 20 towns passed resolutions and warrant articles supporting offshore wind. We are still waiting for Governor Sununu to respond. Offshore wind would mean a lot of sustainable jobs and abundant clean renewable energy for the Granite State! This is they kind of energy we need and the energy that will quickly outpace methane - natural (fracked) gas.
Learn more now! Follow on Facebook! Follow on Twitter!
It's not true, but don't take it from us. NH's Consumer Advocate, D. Maurice Kreis, literally called B.S. on this claim that is one of the talking points of those who want a pipeline.
"Let me say this as clearly and unequivocally as I can: The lights are not going out. There will not be rolling blackouts.
There will not be rolling blackouts now, there will not be rolling blackouts this coming winter, and there will not be rolling blackouts in 2022, or in the winter of 2024-25. Eversource should stop claiming or implying otherwise. So should the CEO of regional grid operator ISO New England...I call B.S."
New England Won’t Be Rationing Electricity Despite ‘Alarmist Warnings’, D. Maurice Kreis, Power to the People, InDepth NH
Fossil fuels are being replaced with renewables, which are of comparable pricing. Liberty Utilities has been aggressively seeking contracts all over New Hampshire, projects that can be connected so the gas can be exported, increasing the price. Liberty, and other gas companies want to lock us into a fossil fuel future to ensure their profits. What we need is clean, safe, energy independence, and that is available to us through renewables.
Families, home and land owners, farmers, conservationists, scientists, elected officials, parents with children in schools near the pipeline are concerned. People concerned about their health and safety, including those with respiratory ailments. Anyone who drinks well water. Anglers, boaters, hikers, photographers who care about rivers and lakes. Anyone who has an easement agreement with Liberty Utilities (formerly PSNH) may have damage to their property and wells and lowered property value.
Citizens of all backgrounds and political ideologies know that it's patriotic to protect the land and that if the U.S. Military considers climate change a national security threat, we should increase abundant, homegrown energy and embrace the many local sustainable jobs that come along with a booming industry in renewables.
Yes, it does! The NED Pipeline was withdrawn due to a lack of gas contracts. Liberty Utilities has been aggressively seeking gas contracts. They have multiple projects across New Hampshire. Once connected, they could begin the process of exporting the gas. Gas infrastructure, like the Keene gas plant, could be expanded and a pipeline pushed through Southern NH again. The proposal of pipelines in segments makes them seem more innocuous, less threatening. In reality, it's just another plan to make ratepayers pay for a pipeline they don't need.
NH News
Granite Bridge Route 101 pipeline draws crowd (Seacoastonline.com)
Group comes out against the Granite Bridge natural gas pipeline (Seacoastline.com)
Letters to the Editor & GBP Articles
Submit your Letter to the Editor or Commentary to our Activist Echoes Blog!
Liberty Utilities is planning more than a [gas] plant (Pat Martin, Keene Sentinel)
There's more than one way to go renewable - you don't even need panels or blades! (Stephanie Scherr, ECHO Action)
Liberty Utilities' missed pipeline inspections & failure to report leaks, are cause for concern (Sue Durling, ECHO Action)
Andover gas explosions, a wake-up call to offshore wind (Mary Beth Raven, ECHO Action, NH Labor News)
The Incineration Zone Comes Home (Chris Balch, ECHO Action, Keene Sentinel)
Rep. John Hunt's home has 70+KW net metering, but he voted against expanding solar benefits (Pat Martin, ECHO Action)
MA incineration zone goes live on social media, to the shock of viewers (ECHO Action)
Epping residents need more Granite Bridge Pipeline & LNG education, the time to act is now (ECHO Action)
A fracked gas metering station in Exeter? (ECHO Action)
YIMBY State: Say yes to renewable energy (Sue Durling, Union Leader)
The price of fossil fuels (Susan Shamel, Concord Monitor)
Group that helps shape electricity markets in New England wants to keep its meetings secret
(D. Maurice Kreis, NH Consumer Advocate, Concord Monitor)
Liberty's emissions math just doesn't add up (Pat Martin, Keene Sentinel)
Did Liberty Utilities invent a magical gas with 12% less CO2 than methane? (ECHO Action)
Ut-oh, Liberty Utilities is having difficulties with the PUC [missed deadline] (ECHO Action)
Environmentalists fight Route 101 gas pipeline [Liberty's pipeline safety & inspection violations] (Seacoastline)
BIA is looking backwards in backing Granite Bridge (Patricia Martin, Union Leader)
A Bridge Too Far? (John Gage, Nashua Telegraph, Eagle Tribune)
Let me tell you a story about Liberty Utilities and the Granite Bridge Pipeline (Laura Lynch, ECHO Action)
Underweight babies, physical defects, poor health, related to fracking (Chris Balch, ECHO Action)
Liberty Utilities says they'll do everything they can to fight climate change, so are they? (Chris Balch, ECHO Action)
List of the Harmed documents suffering of 22,322 fracking victims (Stephanie Scherr, ECHO Action)
Learn about Granite Bridge gas project, then oppose it (Siobhan Senier, Seacoastonline)
Waiting for solar spills, wind explosion, while gas pipes leak (Chris Balch, ECHO Action, Keene Sentinel)
What do you know about the Granite Bridge Pipeline? (Mary Beth Raven, Union Leader)
Five reasons we don't need Granite Bridge (Chris Balch, ECHO Action)
Senate prematurely pushing gas project (Pat Martin, Keene Sentinel)
Questions for Liberty Utilities on New Granite Bridge Project (Pat Martin, NH Labor News)
Out-of-towner explains Granite Bridge opposition (Pat Martin, Seacoastonline)
Granite Bridge looks like a done deal (Not!) (Pat Martin, Manchester Ink Link)
What could go wrong with the Granite Bridge Pipeline? (Pat Martin, Concord Monitor)
Speak up about the Granite Bridge Pipeline (Stephanie Scherr, Concord Monitor)
Submit Comments to the Public Utilities Commission
Information about current PUC dockets, how to write comments and where to send them to.
Eversource, Avangrid artificially constrained gas pipeline capacity for years, report argues
"A new academic analysis argues gas utility subsidiaries of Avangrid and Eversource have artificially constrained gas pipeline capacity in New England for years, driving up natural gas and electricity prices and potentially violating federal laws.
The systematic withholding of pipeline capacity, particularly on the coldest days, has cost New England electricity consumers $3.6 billion in higher prices over the past three years, according to “Vertical Market Power in Interconnected Natural Gas and Electricity Markets," a new white paper."
Become A Member
We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter and join our Pipeline Resistance Team today. For jobs, for clean air, water, safety and our future, we're ready to be #FossilFree603.
Governor Sununu and Liberty Utilities​
NH's Governor Sununu looks favorably upon fossil fuels and has voiced his support for pipelines in the state. Opposition continues. Clean energy proponents and their networks grow as the movement to transition to 100% clean, renewable energy builds, resists and gains strength.
Benefits of Alternative Energy​
• Sustainable jobs, economic benefits, attracting business to NH, and retention of NH's youth to learn, play, work and stay in NH.
• Climate action now, not in 2050 or 2030. We can't wait.
• Protects our health, safety, air, water, food, farms and future.
Protecting the natural resources NH treasures and tourists come to enjoy, spending money that supports our state economy. NH is already dealing with impacts from climate change.
• Moose
• Warmer oceans impact New England's lobster catch