Concord Steam

New Hampshire's State House and Capitol City buildings should be the energy efficiency flagships of the state, powered by clean solar and wind energy, becoming a point of pride, progress and prestige.

NH's PUC & legislators want to fast-track a Liberty Utilities deal that forces Concord Steam to close and customers to convert to fracked gas. Not so fast...
Concord Steam serves NH's State House, 27 other state buildings, the City of Concord, Downtown businesses, Concord School District and some Concord homes. Concord Steam was forced to close and customers were forced to convert to fracked gas. These customers that were using steam radiators (co-generation heating), had to purchase new boilers, including Concord School District, which just recently converted to steam heat.
Concord Steam was closed in the spring of 2017. The facility only needed upgrades to maintain clean energy standards, but legislators ignored the no-cost option of the biofuel plant being completely renovated by Green City Power. It is a biomass plant that emits particulate matter into the air, causing an inversion and unhealthy air conditions. Green City Power offered to buy the plant and do all upgrades, however, their proposal was never heard and no options were considered, only the aggressive move to natural (fracked) gas.
The Kinder Morgan NED pipeline proposal was withdrawn in the spring of 2016. The reason they cited for withdrawal a lack of gas contracts, which Liberty Utilities has been aggressively seeking since the NED pipeline was proposed in 2014. The increased demand for natural "fracked" gas gives Liberty Utilities the leverage to ask for more fracked gas to be readily available in the region. Fossil fuel companies call the Northeast "pipeline poor", while those that live here consider that an asset. The artificially crated "need" could open the door to more pipeline expansion throughout the state. ultimately involving more transmission pipes and compression, enlarging the Pelham compressor station even more or adding another compressor station. The 1% increased capacity sounds small, but it amounts to the capacity of the multi-state Kinder Morgan Northeast Energy Direct (NED) pipeline that was withdrawn last year after significant statewide and regional opposition. At the 2015 FERC hearing in Nashua, the number one request in over 3,000 comments to FERC in opposition to the NED pipeline was a desire to have renewable energy.
Converting customers to fracked gas, increasing atmospheric methane, is in disagreement with the climate goals of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and our state's climate goals.
* Note the update below in red related to the Paris Climate Accord.
Natural gas is methane (CH4), a super-potent greenhouse gas that traps 86 times as much heat as CO2 over a 20-year period. Even a very small rate of leakage can impact climate significantly, so much that there may not be any benefit in switching from coal to gas. In recent years, it has become apparent that methane leaks are far higher than originally thought. Further, no one knows exactly how much methane is leaked in the fracking process to extract the gas. If you think pipelines are safe, go to Wikipedia right now and search "pipeline accidents" or "pipeline explosions".
• New Hampshire's climate denier's work has powerful new audience: his brother, the Governor
• Methane leaks erase climate benefit of fracked gas, countless studies find
• Methane leaks in natural gas supply chain far exceed estimates, study says
• Natural gas transmission leakage rates
Why are Massachusetts and Vermont in the top 10 ranked solar states, but there's no mention of New Hampshire? We don't have to keep lagging behind other states in making clean energy a priority. (see graphic below)
Massachusetts & Vermont schools have an ever-increasing number of solar panels, wind turbines, rain gardens, rooftop gardens and organic farming. While a number of New Hampshire schools now have solar, our state does little to incentivize and encourage such technology. New Hampshire's Capitol City students get...fracked gas in their schools? This is not only a blatant disregard for their future, but it's also one more reason our youth and young families are leaving the Granite State.
Our students need innovation, experiential learning, cutting edge science and real-world skills they can market when looking for jobs. Jobs associated with NH's clean energy boom are everything from engineering, design, R&D & electrical to construction, marketing, media, communications, sales and customer relations with local, national and international markets. Environmental Science and climate education should be required. Undertstanding problems leads to solutions like this smartflower solar array.
Do you have students in the Concord School District? You may want to read the "Health" section below or read more about pipelines.
Release from Senator Bernie Sanders: Solar In School Funding For Vermont
How A Massachusetts Public School Pioneered Solar Power [with canopy parking]
Brighter Future: A Study on Solar in U.S. Schools
VT Schools vie for solar grants
East Rochester School (solar)
Tilton School (solar)
Inter Lakes School District (solar - working towards 100% solar powered)
Proctor Academy (solar)
Exeter High School (solar)
Minuteman HS, MA (rooftop garden)
Beebe School, MA (rain garden)
Narragansett Regional HS, MA (wind turbine)
Plymouth Public School: Solar projects make a lasting impression, Step by step, Plymouth Schools go solar
Arlington schools go solar, produce carbon-free energy
Norton Middle School (solar)
Norwell Middle School (solar)
Burlington Schools, VT (solar)
Putney School, VT (solar)
Crosset Brook Middle School, VT (solar)
Ripton Elementary School , VT (solar)
Ferrisburg Central School, VT (solar)
• Methane leaks cannot be seen or smelled. They can only be detected by a FLIR camera. Video sample.
• The use of fossil fuels will accelerate climate change and intensify impacts, leading to more of the conditions that cause asthma. Read this great online brochure from Moms Clean Air Force.
Too Dirty, Too Dangerous: Why Health Professionals Reject Natural Gas. A report from Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Allowing the expansion of "natural" fracked gas in New Hampshire will open the door for more pipeline expansion in what is currently a nationwide push. Our use makes us complicit in the dangerous and unhealthy practices causing tainted undrinkable, even flammable water, human illness, cancer and death, constant toxic air conditions, frackquakes and more for those living where fracking is done against their will, and those near pipeline and compressor gas leaks.
The chemicals used in the fracking process are both known carcinogens and trade secret chemicals that are unknown, even to our government, but are being pumped into the ground and our water and sprayed on crops for human consumption. This puts us all at risk, not knowing which produce has been sprayed with the water.
Methane is odorless, colorless gas. Emissions from the fracking process, from compressor stations and metering stations can only be seen using a FLIR camera. Gas emissions can be localized at a specific leak and region-wide.
The reason given for pushing gas pipelines is to reduce electricity rates. What is not usually known is that NH has extremely high transmission rates, which increases our utility costs. Changing to gas will not reduce transmission rates, but will increase costs through other problems associated with pipelines and atmospheric methane.
Two articles from the blog of engineer Patricia Martin explain why our rates are so high, using government data and referring to local news articles. She also recently wrote a letter to the editor of the Keene Sentinel, which is in the articles section at the bottom of this page. She is a member of the Residential Ratepayers Advisory Board and a well-respected voice at the Public Utilities Commission and State House. When numbers are published and used to defend bad decisions for the state, she will scrutinize them and confront errors and misinformation. She has been the leading voice in the movement against the proposed conversion of Concord Steam to fracked gas.
Wholesale prices are way down. Where are the savings on our electricity rates?
Compare wholesale electricity prices with retail rates 2003-2015
Who is looking out for our interests?
Wholesale electricity prices fell 29% last year
Fast tracking the sale of Concord Steam to Liberty Utilities intentionally denied companies like Green City Power the opportunity to offer proposals that would use cleaner energy in our state buildings and schools, and avoid the dangerous use of natural gas. Green City Power was interested in purchasing Concord Steam up until the last moment, when an overwhelming majority of representatives from both parties approved the transition to gas, despite being educated about the false information about gas being a clean energy. Concord Steam was biomass powered, locally-sourced, wood burning co-generation facility that could be been retrofitted and renovated. The majority of New Hampshire's 400 state representatives are senior citizens. They were told by the Concord Steam task force that without the transition to gas, the State House would be cold the following winter.
T legislative task force that was been appointed to review what was happening with Concord Steam, enabled legislation for the sale of the easements. They estimated the cost to taxpayers to be $25M. In a presentation ECHO Action received from Green City Power, they estimated the real cost to be closer to $100 when all was completed. The task force was very much in favor of transitioning to fracked gas and is overtly said in public meetings that they would everything possible to push this deal through, and they did. The information below was available to our supporters as we opposed the Concord Steam closure.
After refusing solar, and transitioning to natural gas, Concord NH claims to align to the Paris Climate Accord
• NH the 5th city to commit to the Paris Climate Agreement
After refusing to upgrade the Concord Steam biofuel plant, and the conversion of the NH State House, state buildings, Concord School District and the City of Concord to natural (fracked) gas, one of Concord's City Counselors, who is on the Energy and Environment committee and associated with a large statewide environmental organization, put out a press release in September 2017 naming Concord
• New Hampshire Mayors Pledge to back Climate Accord goals
"The Concord city council recently ruled that solar panels on rooftops will not increase the property’s assessed value, slightly lowering the tax money the city would otherwise collect. That move, already made in a number of other municipalities, is designed to help shift some electricity production from traditional power plants.
Donchess also pointed to an online information site called Livable Nashua Dashboard, which provides information about some of the city’s climate-change-related actions and goals including data on electricity production by solar panels in the city, energy usage by city buildings and conservation easements.
“We want to focus on measurable results, measurable data,” said Sarah Marchant, the city’s director of community development. Data on greenhouse gas emissions will eventually be part of the dashboard, she said.
Wednesday’s hearing was organized by the League of Conservation Voters"
Senate President Chuck Morse (R-Salem) and Speaker Shawn Jasper (R-Hudson) announced the formation of a Task Force to review the options for the State of New Hampshire before Concord Steam ceases operation in May 2017. The Concord Steam Task Force will hold its first public meeting on September 21st at 5:30 PM at the Red River Theatre in Concord. Their final report is due by Thursday, December 1, 2016. Fast tracking this project will limit proposals and options and is not in the best interest of the state, nor the residents of Concord.
$25 MILLION up front
$12 MILLION to convert infrastructure to gas
$1 MILLION to subsidize some organizations and be recouped through ratepayer fees
$__? for unforeseen expenses
ALERT! New information indicates the cost may be as high as $100M!
See the Green City Power proposal linked below (PDF).
Concord Steam is a biofuel plant that uses NH sourced wood chips from the North Country. It provides jobs in the Granite state for NH residents who process and transport the fuel. These jobs would be lost with a natural gas conversion.
Representative Lynn Ober's defense of Liberty Utilities and a fracked gas conversion followed by Representative Lee Oxenham's arguments against HB 368 begin at 10:10.
YEAS: Voted for the fracked gas deal with Liberty Utilities at a cost to taxpayers of $25-$100M. âš‘
NAYS: Voted against the fracked gas deal. (pink chart below) ✦
âš‘ If your state representative voted for this deal, email them today. (Details below.)
✦ Only these legislators voted to protect your tax dollars from being spent unnecessarily. Please email them to thank them for their support.
If the state is unwilling to transform the state's energy needs to renewable sources,​ the Green City Power proposal should be strongly considered as the best option available.
• Concord Steam will be upgraded to a low emissions standard.
• There is no-cost to taxpayers as opposed to millions for fracked gas.
• No costly, timely and messy conversions or rented interim boilers are needed.
• The implied rush to decision is well overstated in that a one year transition period with rented boilers is part of the transition to gas.
• Information being published and numbers used are not accurate comparisons using industry standards.
Green City Power proposed to upgrade the plant to handle the emissions properly and make it more efficient. They would invest $20M and they would offer a 30% decrease in current CS rates. They are not seeking other customers. If awarded the state contract, then would then apply to become a utility. They do not need to do that prior to being considered, as some state representatives are telling citizens who email them.
View GCP slideshow (Links below PDFs and more documents are below.)
- NH taxpayers
- NH state workers
- NH forestry industry & workers
- NH products, wildlife, tourism declining from climate change: moose, shrimp, lobster, maple syrup, autumn's maple leaves, sking...
- Anyone who breathes the air
- Parents, Students, Teachers
- Liberty Utilities.
- Who else is pocketing & profiting from this deal? Why the rush to push it through?
- Want to delve into this further? There's a link on this page to documents & related emails (near PDFs below).
- Green City Power, who has a very reasonable no-cost offer with low emissions that keeps NH jobs.
- Taxpayers who have to pay for a conversion we don't need to increase the profits of the gas industry. Why are our lawmakers so intent on fast tracking this highly questionable deal?
- Information from legislators fast-tracking this deal has been limited.
- State representatives have been lead to believe that without this deal, the State House will not have heat next winter, among other misinformation.
- The public has been told this deal has to go through because Concord Steam is closing. There are indications that there has been a deliberate campaign to force their closure and seal the deal for Liberty Utilities to profit from New Hampshire.
- The increase in fracked gas capacity to New Hampshire is about 1%. This capacity is enormous and well beyond our needs. The assumption is that once this door is open, more gas will be pushed into the state.
Please join us in asking our legislators to stop the sale of Concord Steam to Liberty Utilities, allow Green City Power to give a presentation, to have public input sessions with all the information presented and options for clean, renewable energy proposals to be brought forth so we can #CleanConcordSteam.
Freedom of Information Act: Request regarding Concord Steam
Sample Letter for commenting on Docket #DG16-770
Green City Power Presentation: Thermal Evaluation Powerpoint 2/5/17
Responses to constituent emails
Concord Steam: Last-of-its-kind power plant down to its final days (Concord Monitor) 5/27/17
Lawmakers approve $2.5M for Concord School's steam conversion (Concord Monitor) 5/19/17
Developer still interested in purchasing Concord Steam (Concord Monitor 3/4/17
As Concord Steam shutdown nears, details debated on fund to help customers (Concord Monitor) 2/10/17
Downtown: Concord coalition backs petition for $1M fund to aid transition from steam (Concord Monitor) 10/16/1/7
Building owners discuss time crunch associated with Concord Steam’s closing (Concord Monitor) 9/21/16
Concord Steam Task Force Formed (Concord Patch) 9/16/16
Union Leader Editorial: Concord’s big steam problem (Concord Monitor) 9/11/16
Daniel Webster to the rescue? (PatMartin2984 Blog) 9/11/16
As Concord Steam winds down, plenty of questions pop up (Concord Monitor) 9/6/16
Concord Steam closure could force state to pay $15 million to convert to natural gas (Concord Monitor) 8/8/16
Closing Concord Steam plant, installing gas carries $15 million price tag for state (Union Leader) 8/3/16
Loggers will miss Concord Steam as a market for wood chips (Concord Monitor) 7/30/16
Liberty Utilities will take over Concord Steam customers (Union Leader) 7/21/16
Liberty Utilities to buy Concord Steam; customers must find new source of heat (Concord Monitor) 7/21/16
Concord Steam to Close Next Year (Concord Patch) 7/21/16
With a potential buyer, Concord Steam waits for state (Concord Monitor) 3/29/16
New Hampshire Climate Denier’s Work Has Powerful New Audience: His Brother, the Governor (DeSmog Blog) 3/5/17
Wholesale electricity prices fell 29% last year (Concord Monitor 2/27/17
Who's looking out for our interests? (Letter to the Editor by Patricia Martin) (Keene Sentinel) 2/28/17
Energy policy a top issue in campaign: Officials raise concerns about future of energy in New England (WMUR) 10/10/16
My Turn: Abandoning Concord Steam amounts to a gamble on gas
(Concord Monitor) 9/24/16
Eversource not giving up on pipeline (Union Leader) 9/5/16
Concord Steam PUC Dockets
PUC Docket IR 16-202, 2/7/17
A member directed us to PUC docket IR 16-202 and the transcript from the hearing. Green City Power was introduced, but never spoke about their proposal. They didn't file any comments either.
The Fire Marshal made an inspection on Feb 17th, 2015, but didn't get the report to Concord Steam until June.
Mike Connors broke the news that the State wouldn't be signing contracts with Concord Steam and neither would the YMCA, County or City. There appears to have been (or be) a campaign going on to put the Concord Steam out of business.
[Paraphrased and edited from a member's report.]
* The PDF of the document she refers to is available on this page.
Docket DG 16-770 9/5/16
Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty Utilities and Concord Steam Corporation
Joint Petition for Approval of an Asset Purchase Agreement
View information and comments about Docket DG 16-770, the sale of Concord Steam to Liberty Utilities.
Concord Steam Hearing
ECHO Action testimony
Concord NH - Legislative Office Building
Patricia Martin testified sharing missing details of the Green City Power offer to the state of NH for renovation and upgrades to the Concord Steam facility and spoke with some members of the committee explaining that natural (fracked) gas is not a clean fuel. It impacts health, safety and increases methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than CO2, in the atmosphere and increases global warming and climate change.
Laura Lynch presented the nearly 900 signatures on the petition against the conversion of Concord Steam to fracked gas. (To sign the petition, see link at the top of this page.)
Stephanie Scherr testified as a teacher in regards to the expansion of fracked gas pipelines into schools when students in MA & VT have schools with wind turbines, solar panels, rain gardens and organic gardens and the students of NH's Capitol City get fracked gas.
Doug Whitbeck testified regarding the use and efficiency of heat pumps.
Others who testified include:
Representative Marge Shepardson
Representative Lee Oxenham
Richard Husband
Father Sam Fuller
Concord Steam: Last-of-its-kind power plant down to its final days (Concord Monitor) 5/27/17
Lawmakers approve $2.5M for Concord School's steam conversion (Concord Monitor) 5/19/17
Developer still interested in purchasing Concord Steam (Concord Monitor 3/4/17
As Concord Steam shutdown nears, details debated on fund to help customers (Concord Monitor) 2/10/17
Downtown: Concord coalition backs petition for $1M fund to aid transition from steam (Concord Monitor) 10/16/1/7
Building owners discuss time crunch associated with Concord Steam’s closing (Concord Monitor) 9/21/16
Concord Steam Task Force Formed (Concord Patch) 9/16/16
Union Leader Editorial: Concord’s big steam problem (Concord Monitor) 9/11/16
Daniel Webster to the rescue? (PatMartin2984 Blog) 9/11/16
As Concord Steam winds down, plenty of questions pop up (Concord Monitor) 9/6/16
Concord Steam closure could force state to pay $15 million to convert to natural gas (Concord Monitor) 8/8/16
Closing Concord Steam plant, installing gas carries $15 million price tag for state (Union Leader) 8/3/16
Loggers will miss Concord Steam as a market for wood chips (Concord Monitor) 7/30/16
Liberty Utilities will take over Concord Steam customers (Union Leader) 7/21/16
Liberty Utilities to buy Concord Steam; customers must find new source of heat (Concord Monitor) 7/21/16
Concord Steam to Close Next Year (Concord Patch) 7/21/16
With a potential buyer, Concord Steam waits for state (Concord Monitor) 3/29/16
New Hampshire Climate Denier’s Work Has Powerful New Audience: His Brother, the Governor (DeSmog Blog) 3/5/17
Wholesale electricity prices fell 29% last year (Concord Monitor 2/27/17
Who's looking out for our interests? (Letter to the Editor by Patricia Martin) (Keene Sentinel) 2/28/17
Energy policy a top issue in campaign: Officials raise concerns about future of energy in New England (WMUR) 10/10/16
My Turn: Abandoning Concord Steam amounts to a gamble on gas
(Concord Monitor) 9/24/16
Eversource not giving up on pipeline (Union Leader) 9/5/16
Legislators Who Opposed The Concord Steam Deal
All other legislators voted to spend your tax dollars on the fracked gas conversion.

Meetings & Contacts
HB 368 Relative to the heating of certain state owned buildings in Concord and making appropriations therefor.
Concord Steam and Liberty Utilities
Wednesday, September 21st
5:30 PM at the Red River Theater
First Meeting
Thursday, September 29th
2:00 PM, Room 100 at the State House
NH Public Utilities Commission, Docket #DG16-770
Ms. Debra Howland, Executive Director
Concord Steam Task Force
State Senator Gary Daniels, R-Milford
(committee leader)
State Senator Jeb Bradley, R-Wolfeboro
State Senator Lou D’Allesandro, D-Manchester
Concord State Rep. Steve Shurlteff D-Penacook
State Rep. Richard Hinch, R-Merrimack
State Rep Lynne Ober, R-Hudson
Former Speaker Gene Chandler, R-Bartlett
NH Governor, Senate, Congress
Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter
City of Concord
Mr. Jim Bouley, Mayor of Concord
Ms. Terri Forsten, Superintendent of Schools, Concord School District
State Representatives
Find my State Representative.
Hearings & Votes
See the request for CALLS & EMAILS in the box below.
11AM, LOB 303
Public Works and Highways Committee hearing
Amendment Representatives Hall
Vote expected after noon
State House, Room 100, 3 pm
Hearing (give testimony/register opposition)
* Opposition vigil begins at 2:30 pm with signs in the hall outside room.
Senate Vote
To be announced
- When you enter the room you'll see a blue sheet on a clip board. Write your name and check the box for support or oppose.
- If you plan to testify (speak), fill out the small pink sheet.
- If you plan to visit the State House regarding one bill, check in advance or ask other attendees if there are other pipeline or energy bills being heard that day that you can support or oppose.
If you cannot attend a hearing, please email a letter to:
House Representatives:
HousePublicWorksandHighways@leg.state.nh.us(script below)
If you cannot attend a hearing, please email an email of opposition to: (even if you can attend!)
DAlas@leg.state.nh.us, Gary.Daniels@leg.state.nh.us, Jeb.Bradley@leg.state.nh.us, Andy.Sanborn@leg.state.nh.us, david.watters@leg.state.nh.us
CLEAN CONCORD STEAM - TAKE ACTION NOW! (It's easy! Script below!)
Don't Use Our Taxes For Toxic Gases! #DontGasTheGraniteState #CleanConcordSteam
The State of NH wants to charge taxpayers $25M-$100M to convert the State House, state buildings and Concord School District to natural (fracked) gas to the benefit of Liberty Utilities and has ignored a no-cost, low emissions option. Green City Power has offered to spend $20M to upgrade Concord Steam at no cost to taxpayers, but the state has refused to them the opportunity to present a proposal!
- Clean Concord Steam, Don't Gas The Granite State
- Fossil Free 603 - fracked gas is not for me
- This is not the way to spend my hard-earned tax dollars
- Green City Power & Granite Staters deserve to have their no-cost option heard
- I love my kid who deserves a safe & healthy school
- Pass on the Liberty Utilities deal, choose Green City Power
- Use the sample adult or youth script below to get you started and add or edit to personalize them.
Chairman, NH House Finance Committee
Rep03281@aol.com, 603-271-3165, 603-529-7253
* NOTE: Representative Kurk waived the right to review, which would have included the Green City Power proposal to upgrade Concord Steam, avoiding the $25M-100M cost to taxpayers! Why Kurt, why???
2. NH House Finance Committee Members
3. Representative Gene Chandler
4. Representative Steve Shurtleff
Senate Capital Budget Committee
SEND TO ALL: (copy & paste)
DAlas@leg.state.nh.us, Gary.Daniels@leg.state.nh.us, Jeb.Bradley@leg.state.nh.us, Andy.Sanborn@leg.state.nh.us, david.watters@leg.state.nh.us
1. Senator Lou D'Allesandro, Chairman (District 20)
2. Senator Gary Daniels, Vice-Chair (District 11)
3. Senator Jeb Bradley (District 4)
4. Senator Andy Sanborn (District 9)
5. Senator David Watters (District 4)
Please let us know if you do send an email. We are documenting responses to citizen letters and calls. Do not be discouraged by responses or assume that the response you receive offers full and accurate information. If you would email us copies of your letter (or notes from your call) and all replies received! Let us know if you have any questions.
Senate Capital Budget Committee
Re: Concord Steam/Liberty Utilities Deal
Dear Senators D'Allesandro, Daniels, Bradley, Sanborn and Watters,
New Hampshire taxpayer funds are my hard-earned dollars and I want to see them used wisely. I don't understand why you would choose to spend $25-$100 million dollars on a deal with Liberty Utilities when you have an offer from Green City Power that would repair and upgrade the plant at no cost to taxpayers,
- No $25M-$100M cost to taxpayers
- Avoids months of disruptive construction
- Avoids pipeline expansion
- No fracked methane gas to leak in our communities and workplaces
- No loss of forestry jobs (NH wood products & transportation)
- Methane gas is a very potent greenhouse gas that would not meet our state's energy goals
Please reconsider your decision to sell out NH to the highest bidder. Give Green City Power the opportunity to present their no-cost plan that will keep NH forestry jobs in our state!
Your Name
Senate Capital Budget Committee
Re: Concord Steam/Liberty Utilities Deal
Dear Senators D'Allesandro, Daniels, Bradley, Sanborn and Watters,
Do you have children, grandchildren or other young people in your life whose future is important to you? Every decision the adults in our lives make now is critical to our future and the quality of life we will have.
I love living in New Hampshire, our colorful autumn leaves, maple syrup, moose and days when school is closed so I can sleep in and then play in the snow. All of of these things are changing. What will they be like when I'm an adult? When I have a children?
Please have public meetings in the evening when my parents and I can ask questions, speak about our concerns and learn about all the energy options, not just fracked gas.
(Students can add information about Standing Rock, pipelines in general, health and breathing issues associated with fracked gas or other concerns.)
Thank your for hearing youth voices,
Your Name
Why Concord Steam should go clean
• Fast-tracking the conversion of Concord Steam to a fracked gas factory has been done quickly with little public input and largely behind closed doors.
• Time should be allowed for renewable energy or factory upgrade proposals from companies such as Green City Power.
• Concord should be a showpiece for clean energy technology, showing we can lead by example and NH is looking towards the future of Granite Staters.
• Clean energy for Concord Steam will further RGGI and state clean energy goals through bipartisan agreement.
• It will move NH forward by increasing clean energy jobs and making NH more appealing to industry.
• It will give NH a fresh new image, pairing the beauty of our rural, scenic state with vision for the future that will help retain young families and professionals.
How you can help
COMMENTS to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC)
- Docket DG 16-770
- Comments can be submitted until a decision is made.
* See sample letter below (PDF)
- Listed above and on our blog.
- Governor Chris Sununu
- Senator Jeanne Shaheen
- Senator Maggie Hassan
- Congresswoman Anne Kuster
- Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter
PETITION to stop the fast tracking of Concord Steam conversion to a fracked gas factory. (coming!)
Are you the parent of a student in the Concord School District? We'd like to hear from you! Please contact us!
Is Concord Steam killing emergency funding for NH dairy farms?
NH Dairy Farmers Struggling (WMUR)
State House vote on Dairy Bailout likely to occur in early 2017 (Union Leader)
"We're bleeding out tens of thousands of dollars."
19 out of 120 dairy farms in NH have shut down. Grasses for grazing and hay for winter feed are in short supply and low quality. Drought and climate change are already having an impact on the Granite State.
In 2008, NH set up an emergency fund for dairy farmers, but it was never funded. Now, NH seems to have $25M to convert Concord Steam to fracked gas, even though another option from Green City Power would avoid the costs and climate risks that are increasing threats against dairy farmers. The question is, WHY are NH lawmakers pushing climate risk methane on us without need???
NH's drought, enhanced by climate change, impacts farmers
Drought hurts New Hampshire farmers
Drought kills newly planted Christmas trees
Farmers struggle with drought conditions
More areas under extreme drought in NH
Farmers struggle as drought continues
Farmers turn to pool services as drought continues