Our Team: Making Our Voices Echo!
Since Kinder Morgan's NED pipeline proposal in 2014, ECHO Action has been promoting a just transition to 100% renewable energy, opposing expanded fossil fuel infrastructure, pipelines that we pay for, putting our health and safety at risk.
For our economy, jobs, water and air quality, food, family and future, it's better to be #FossilFree603.
ECHO Action NH is a dynamic, direct action, environmental justice organization. Our mission, mantra and hashtag are in support of a #FossilFree603. (603 is NH's area code.) Become a member now!
​Stephanie has an M.S. in Environmental Science & Communications from Antioch University New England and undergraduate degrees in Environmental Science, Biology and English. She is a certified science teacher, environmental educator, climate activist and proponent of clean energy solutions. She is the founder of ECHO Action. She attended a pipeline safety and regulations conference in New Orleans, LA and pipeline regulatory training in Houston, TX.
She is a member of the "VOICES" network from 15 states and testified at the People's FERC Hearing in Washington D.C., to investigate the abuses of power and law by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Stephanie attended the Summit and March for a Clean Energy Revolution in Philadelphia.
She participated in the People's Climate March in Washington, D.C. with the ECHO Action team. She has been a guest speaker for Keene State College's activism and environmental journalism classes, community workshops and no pipeline rallies.​
Sue has an RN from the University of New Hampshire and a degree in Nursing from NH Technical Institute and is certified BSN, RN, CCRN (retired). She brings a wealth of knowledge about health issues to our team. She is the co-founder of Winchester Pipeline Awareness.
Sue is a member of the NH Pipeline Health Study group seeking to add fracked gas chemicals to the Site Evaluation Committee's (SEC) Regulated Toxic Air Pollutants (RTAP). An info graphic she created effectively defined the relationship between pipeline companies and utilities, forcing them to confirm it publicly.
She is currently mapping the route and incineration zone, organizing, doing outreach and giving presentations in Granite Bridge Pipeline communities.
Mary Beth has a degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is a UX Designer, communications expert and former English teacher. She was very involved in supporting the fight against the NED pipeline. She continues her work in attending regional actions against fossil fuel infrastructure projects in the Northeast. She was the moderator for the NH energy roundtable discussion.
Mary Beth participated in the NH Women's Day of Action and Unity in Concord, NH, collecting signatures to stop the transition of Concord Steam into a fracked gas plant. She actively working with organizations promoting carbon fee and dividend policy. Mary Beth was member of an ECHO Action contingent from NH who participated in the People's Climate March in Washington, D.C.
Chris is a retired NH & VT science educator with a B.S. in Biology from Pacific Western University and a background in forestry and ecology. Chris went to Standing Rock Camp, ND in December 2016 with other veterans. He held weekly Standing Rock / TD Bank divestment vigils on the Milford Oval during the winter of 2016. He teaches boat building at the Lawrence Academy and the High Mowing School. He's been an outdoor educator in the Northeast, West and Alaska.
Chris is currently working to support cleaner, greener energy for New Hampshire and building an off-grid cabin in Maine. In September, he is making a repeat trek with a team to Everest Base Camp in Nepal in support of research to end Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
He is the owner if Balch Boats. He builds and sells boats and works with school tech programs to teach students the skill. His current endeavor is building a cabin in Maine.
Chris is involved in the Granite Bridge Pipeline campaign and activated former Milford-area NED pipeline opponents in response to a need to engage residents along the route.
Energy Issues & Analysis, Utilities Whisperer, Renewable Energy Legislation, participant in the PUC Grid Modernization Working Group, participant in the Consumer Advocate Residential Ratepayers Advisory Board, Net Metering, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Climate & Clean Energy, Liaison and Advocate at the NH State House.
Pat has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from UNH, studied Computer Science at Fitchburg State and an Air Force veteran. She frequently attends the Residential Ratepayers Advisory Board and PUC proceedings, is the Chair of the Energy Commission in Rindge and is on the board of the River Center in Peterborough. Her knowledge of NH politics, energy issues and the Public Utilities Commission makes her an invaluable asset to our team and movement.
She is frequently called upon by state representatives, the press and pipeline opponents to examine and explain complex energy issues and calculations regarding the utilities, industry and FERC. Her letters to the editor are frequently published by New Hampshire news outlets.
Pat participated in the March for a Clean Energy Revolution in Philadelphia, the Women's March and the People's Climate March, both in Washington, D.C.
Doug is the former director of 350NH, where he organized environmental events and rallies, including 10 busloads of Granite Staters to the 2014 massive NYC People's Climate March. Doug was a strong voice in his community and statewide in opposition to the Kinder Morgan NED Pipeline.
Along with his wife, Gwen, Doug joined the ECHO Action Team in 2016 at the March For A Clean Energy Revolution in Philadelphia. He continues is involved in the campaign to stop the Granite Bridge Pipeline and speaks with candidates for office about their energy policy.
Siobhan has an A.B. from Bowdoin College and an M.A. & PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is a Professor of English at UNH, teaching Indigenous literature and Women's Studies.
An enthusiastic activist, she has participated in Overpass Light Bridgade (lighted signs) visibility actions and art sessions creating pipeline awareness signs. She is the resident of a Granite Bridge Pipeline-threatened town and is making her voice echo! Read her Letter to the Editor!
Jeff is a dedicated peace activist who brings a great deal of experience, knowledge and skill to our group. His commitment to the causes he feels most passionate about exemplify what we are striving for individually and as a team. His supportive and encouraging presence supports strong group morale. He has held a peace vigil every Saturday in Keene at Central Square from 11:00-noon for many years.
Jeff is a member of the Pisgah Defenders, a conservation group dedicated to preserving old growth forest in Pisgah State Park, New Hampshire's largest state park.. He is a frequent presence at town meetings in both Chesterfield and Keene, and a member of the Roaring Brook Affinity Group.
Geoff is a dedicated and active climate action advocate who brings a wealth of technical information to the team. He has been actively engaged in our work encouraging Keene NH to choose renewable energy over fracked gas expansion and is persistent in questioning energy companies as well as elected officials.
Laura is a former paralegal and a member of the Board of NH Spirit Pipeline Resistance Assistance and the Temple Ad Hoc Pipeline Committee. She was instrumental in organizing the NH Spirit Motorcycle Ride fundraiser, concert & BBQ for activism support. She has organized tabling at community events including the Milford Pumpkin Festival and NH Rebellion Candidate Conference. Laura ran for state representative. She has hosted events for NH's clean energy candidates and the NH energy roundtable discussions.
Laura organized groups to table at the NH Women's Day of Action and Unity in Concord, NH, collecting more than 500 signatures to stop the closure of Concord Steam and transition to fracked gas in the state capitol. Laura was a featured speaker at the People's Climate Rally in Concord and assisted in organizing the March Against Monsanto in Concord. She is regularly engaged in planning and participating in climate action events.
Anne is a member of the Board of NH Spirit Pipeline Resistance Assistance and plans fundraisers in support of activist efforts. She is the co-owner of four restaurants in Ayer, MA, and is an extraordinary hostess and event planner. Her catering skills were essential in hosting the NH Spirit Motorcycle Ride fundraiser, concert & BBQ for activism support as well as the Rights & Democracy NH BBQ in Warner, NH. She has also hosted barnstorm events for NH's clean energy candidates and the NH energy roundtable discussions.
Anne, always the perfect hostess, brought cookies and coffee to share with attendees at the NH Women's Day of Action and Unity in Concord, NH and helped to collect signatures to stop the transition of Concord Steam into a fracked gas plant. Anne organized speakers for the People's Climate Rally in Concord, NH. She remains very active in progressive politics.
Carol began as a NED pipeline opponent and continues to work for clean energy in NH. She participates in ECHO Action events and actions, including clean energy candidate support. Since Merrimack NH's drinking water supply was found to be contaminated with Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in 2016, she has become a leader in her community, raising awareness about water quality and safety.
Danielle is an artist who uses recycled materials to create art that makes a definite statement. She is the founder of The Plastic Bag Project, Empowerment: The Children's Climate Quilt Project and NH Plastic Pollution Alliance. Danielle is currently working with students in MA and NH to create a climate quilt. Over 600 students have already participated in the project which will be completed in November 2017. She offers climate-related art workshops for children.
ECHO Action works with Danielle to help promote reducing in plastic pollution and to promote a ban on single-use plastic bags throughout New Hampshire. Since plastic bags are made of petroleum, add to trash, inhaled and ingested plastic particulates, a bag ban complements our work perfectly. Danielle and her plastic pollution weaved artwork exhibits were recently featured in Peripheral ARTeries Review. Her work has been exhibited across the United States and internationally.
Terri is known in the Monadnock Region as the local author who wrote, "A Presidential Aberration" and books about regional issues. She is an activist whose town was impacted by the proposed Kinder Morgan NED pipeline, and has participated in ECHO Action vigils, visibilities and marches. She continues to support pipeline resistance campaigns.
Deirdre has a background in economics and is a professional artist. She's the tenacious researcher behind the Facebook and Twitter pages, Fracked Gas Hazards Revealed, focusing on the health and safety hazards of fracking and pipelines. She coordinates with communities across the U.S. and the globe. She uses social media to get and keep the attention of elected officials and keeping organizations against fracking up-to-date on research and political events related to the fossil fuel industry, policy, politics and finance.