Pipeline Information, Terminology, Videos

FACEBOOK: NH Clean Energy, Fossil-Free 603
ECHO Action: #FossilFree603 NH (page)
NH Wants To Be #FossilFree603 (group)
Stop Liberty Utilities' Granite Bridge Pipeline
No Pipeline in Southern New Hampshire
Stop TGP Northeast Expansion (No Fracked Gas in Mass)
New Ipswich Pipeline Resistance
Greenville NH Pipeline Resistance
Mason Says Nope: Neighbors Opposed to Pipeline Expansion
Londonderry Anti-Pipeline Movement
PHMSA Data & Statistics, Pipeline Incidents
PHMSA Distribution LNG & Liquid Accidents
TEX X (Ted Talk Expert Scientists)
"Fracking and Health: Ask An Expert" podcasts
A White Paper prepared by an NED pipeline working group
Too Dirty, Too Dangerous: Why Health Professionals Reject Natural Gas
Webinar: Methane Pipelines: Dangers to Health & Climate
Webinar: Health Impacts of Gas Infrastructure, Pipelines & Compressor Stations
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
A Bridge To Nowhere: Methane Emissions & the Greenhouse Gas Footprint of Natural Gas
Rindge Meeting with Kinder Morgan: Wetland Mitigation
Health Risks of Living Near Compressor Stations
An Introduction to Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Proposals in New Hampshire
Concerned Health Professionals of NY: Compendium on the Harms of Fracking
Maps and videos specific to compressor stations and metering stations.
Despite what the industry likes to say, fracking means massive industrialization
Pipeline chemical coatings are serious concerns
Fracking and Health: Ask An Expert
Granite Bridge Pipeline Interactive Map
NED Pipeline Interactive Google Map
West Virginia’s Natural Gas Industry Keeps Pushing to Whittle Away Payments to Residents
The Habit of Turning the World Upside Down: Our Belief in Property and the Cost of That Belief.
NED Pipeline Not Needed Here Now
House takes step back on transparency, 1/17/16 (LT)
Energy and the Economy, Brett Gibson, 12/22/15 (CM)
Gas Line Dangers Can't Be Ignored, Laura Lynch, 12/21/15 (KS)
Gas Scare A Teachable Moment, Marianne Salcetti, 12/21/15 (KS)
Governor Didn't Have Her Own State's Back, Stephanie Scherr 12/19/15 (KS)
Climate Action In Paris Denied in NH, Stephanie Scherr, 12/19/15 (NHLN) (LT)
The Pipeline Boondog gle, Bob Weekes, 12/10/15 (KS)
Beware Pipeline Propaganda, Patricia Martin, 12/2/15 (KS)
Unpersuasive on Pipeline, Sam Richardson, 11/29/15 (R)
Reason to Distrust Kinder Morgan, Carol Jameson, 11/28/15 (KS)
Avoid the Gas Build Out, Andrew Vernon, 11/27/15 (KS)
Sanders strikes a chord talking campaign finance reform, pipelines, 1/21/15 (UL)
Ayotte opposes pipeline if questions aren't answered, 12/2/15 (WMUR)
Kinder Morgan tops $70K on lobbying, 12/10/15, Dave Solomon (UL)
Sen Sanders aligns against proposed natural gas pipeline, 11/30/15 (KS)
Northeast Energy Direct pipeline in the hands of FERC, 11/21/15 (KS)
Safety officials raise valid concerns about proposed pipeline, 11/20/15 (KS)
Proximity of proposed pipeline to Troy Mills [Superfund] site raising concerns, 11/18/15 (KS)
Stan Roseberg to FERC: Kinder Morgan pipeline flies in the face of MA clean energy goals, 1/5/16 (MassLive)
Banning Fracking Isn't Enough: How we fight to stop pipelines, compressor stations and gas plants, 1/15/16 (EcoWatch)
Major Electric Utility Dump Alec Over Clean Power Plan, 12/8/15, (TO)
Bernie Sanders is the first Presidential candidate to oppose Kinder Morgan pipeline, 11/30/15 (Boston.com)
U.S. Senator Harry Reid's Letter to the Future: You Deserve A Chance, 11/27/15 (EW)
Province of B.C. formally opposes Kinder Morgan expansion, 1/11/16 (VS)
Society for the Protection of NH Forests
Natural Gas: Naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas & other gases.
Fracked Gas: (Called "natural gas") The process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc., so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas. The gas contains methane, other gases and trade secret chemicals. Northeast gas is assumed to be fracked and from Marcellus Shale in PA. (Fracking video)
LNG: Liquefied natural gas. Natural gas cooled to -260º F and converted to liquid at 1/600th the volume in the gas state.
Carbon dioxide (CO2): A colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 percent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide increases the greenhouse effect. More heat is trapped by the atmosphere, causing the planet to become warmer than it would be naturally. The increase in global temperature this causes is called global warming.
Methane (CH4): A colorless, odorless flammable gas that is the main constituent of natural gas. Methane increases the greenhouse effect 86 times more than carbon dioxide. Utilities and pipeline companies often note a reduction in CO2 levels when customers convert to natural (fracked) gas. They do not mention the increase in methane, a more potent greenhouse gas. More heat is trapped by the atmosphere, causing the planet to become warmer than it would be naturally. The increase in global temperature this causes is called global warming.
Greenhouse gas (GHG): A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation, such as carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons.
Greenhouse effect: The sun's warmth is trapped in Earth's lower atmosphere due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet's surface. At normal levels, greenhouse effect is a good thing. It keeps the planet warm so that life can thrive. Increased greenhouse effect due to the burning of fossil fuels is documented, and confirmed by 97% of scientists, to be causing climate change.
Global warming: A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. The terms global warming and climate change are often used interchangeably, but are different (see climate change). (graph)
Climate change: A change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels and release of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere.
Mercaptan: (methanethiol) is an organosulfur compound. It is a colorless gas with a distinctive putrid smell. It is a natural substance found in the blood and brain of humans and animals, as well as in plant tissues. It is used to give odorless natural gas a scent so that it can be detected. It is added to gas for safety in distribution lines.
Hot Zone: Area where hazardous vapors and liquids are present.
Blowdown: The release of gas from a pipeline into the atmosphere to relieve pressure in the pipe so that maintenance, testing or other activities can take place. Blowdowns are loud and can take place without notice any time of the day or night. (Video 1) (Video 2)
Pipeline Pigging: Pipeline pigs enter a pipeline through a pig trap to reduce build-up that can cause cracks, corrosion and other damage to pipelines. There are several different types of "pigs" used in pipeline maintenance.
Smart Pig: A device placed inside the pipeline to provide data about the pipeline, such as measuring dents or locating corrosion.
Dedicated Design Day Capacity (DDDC): Max volume of gas dedicated to a customer’s use, based on max # of therms recorded by meter on the most demanding day of the year.
Therm (thm): 100K BTU (heat)
Decatherm (dth): 100 Million BTU (heat)
Global Warming Potential (GWP): Each greenhouse gas has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) rating been calculated to reflect the average time it remains in the atmosphere and how strongly it absorbs energy. Gases with a higher GWP absorb more energy per pound than gases with a lower GWP, and thus contribute more to warming the Earth. (EPA on GWP - Reminder that U.S. government sites have had information about climate change erased by the current administration.)
Geographic Information System (GIS): A computer-based system that captures, stores, edits, displays, plots, and analyzes geographically referenced information.
MDQ: Maximum Daily Quantity
MAOP: Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
HCA: High Consequence Area, a population center or environmentally sensitive area.
High Pressure Pipelines: Pipe systems which operate at 600 psi to 2000 psi and higher.
Right-of-Way (ROW): A strip of land on which permission has been granted by landowners for electrical utilities, usually by an easement agreement. The agreement stays with the property if sold to a new owner. These right of way areas are often used, usually in part, by pipeline companies due to the ease of access without eminent domain.
Co-Location: Pipelines sited on the same land as a utility, usually in the right of way. Co-location may be used to avoid controversial eminent domain, but also for use of electricity to reduce pipeline corrosion.
Cathodic protection: A technique used to control the corrosion of a metal pipelines. Metal is protected using a "sacrificial metal" as an anode. That metal corrodes instead of the pipeline. An external DC electrical power source may be used to provide sufficient current for long pipelines.
Easement: An interest in land owned by another that entitles its holder to access and specific use.
Eminent domain: The right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation.
A Field Guide to the Petrochemical and Plastics Industry
Pipeline opposition groups agree, deny surveyors access to your property.
Protect yourself. Take the time to become educated.
You can continue to allow hunting or hiking on your property while denying Liberty Utilities' surveyors access for surveying. Please read the information below to learn more.
Deny Surveyor Access to your Property (2018)
✓ Flyer
✓ Form letter to Liberty Utilities
✓ Instructions for sending certified mail and a copy to your Board of Selectmen and police department.
✓ Why deny survey access
✓ Speaking To Surveyors tip sheet
KINDER MORGAN targeted Winchester, NH as a town to locate a fracked gas compressor station. Compressor stations are loud, light up night skies, have "blow downs" where toxic gases are deliberately released into the air putting communities at risk. Further there is mounting evidence that these toxic gases, which cannot be seen or smelled, are often released without knowledge of communities and are only detected by highly sophisticated equipment.
These are the innocuous images presented by Kinder Morgan as compressor stations.
These images were on presentation boards at Kinder Morgan open houses to ease our fears. Keep reading!

This is a compressor station in Pennsylvania.
Compressor stations can severely impact air quality and as you know, air knows no boundaries. Pennsylvannia and other states have documented the air, water, and health issues associated with fracking, fracked gas, metering and compressor stations.
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Pipelines/Fossil Fuel Education
Compressor & Metering Stations
Are Oil & Gas Pipelines For The Public Good?
People living in rural areas live in "sacrifice zones"
Greed Pays: Pipelines & Profits
Heard pipelines reduce energy costs?
What is FERC?
FERC is the most dangerous Federal Agency you've never heard of.
Is FERC a Federal Agency? Is it funded by the Fossil Fuel Industry?
Marine East Pipeline, Episode 1: A Different Kind Of Pipeline (Eric Friedman)
In 2013, residents of Delaware and Chester counties in suburban Pennsylvania learned that Sunoco Logistics intended to dig a natural gas liquids pipeline through their communities.
Marine East Pipeline, Episode 2: Nest Egg (Lex Pavlo)
In 2013, residents of Delaware and Chester counties in suburban Pennsylvania learned that Sunoco Logistics intended to dig a natural gas liquids pipeline through their communities.
Marine East Pipeline, Episode 3: Yeah, But Nobody Got Hurt, Did They? (Karen Feridun)
In 2013, residents of Delaware and Chester counties in suburban Pennsylvania learned that Sunoco Logistics intended to dig a natural gas liquids pipeline through their communities.
Health Risks of Living Near Compressor Stations (NED Pipeline)
Dr. Curt Norgaard in Northfield, MA
Natural Gas Compressor Station Presentation (NED Pipeline)
Southwest PA Environmental Health Project in Deerfield, MA
Compressor Station Citizen Tour with Vera Scroggins
Compressor Stations: Vera Scroggins asks Kinder Morgan rep for details
Optical Imaging of Gas Emissions (VOCs) near homes & schools
These are concerns near gas pipelines, metering & compressor stations and gas plants, all which have emissions, blowdowns and leaks.
California’s Methane Gas Leak Environmental Catastrophe Explained
The Aliso Canyon gas leak, which is currently polluting Southern California, is examined with Timothy O’Connor, the Director of Environmental Defense Fund’s Oil and Gas Program in California, following the news that Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency Wednesday in Porter Ranch, where thousands of residents have been evacuated. O’Connor explains the health and environmental effects of methane emissions, the dangers of the gas leak relief plan, the Southern California Gas Company’s
California Leaking, Part 1: "Outraged And Sick Of Methane Gas Leak"
California's Porter Ranch borders on a gas facility. On October 23, a well sprung a leak and began spilling methane into the community. Weeks later, the community is reporting a long list of heath problems. Thousands have left their homes and two schools have closed. Porter Ranch is fed up.
California Leaking, Part 2, "Massive Leak Will Take Months To Fix"
A well at one of SoCal Gas' largest storage facilities sprung a methane gas leak on Oct. 23. It's been releasing a constant stream of methane into the community, forcing families to move. SoCal Gas says there is no easy way to fix it.
California Leaking, Part 3: "Timeline Doesn't Add Up"
On Oct. 23, one of SoCalGas's natural gas wells sprung a leak, pouring hundreds of thousands of pounds of methane into the nearby community. It took days for SoCalGas to even admit there was a leak – and even longer to relocate families.
Optical Gas Imaging with FLIR Camera: Springfield, PA
Unseen compressor station emissions
Optical Gas Imaging of Pipeline Blowdown: Epping, ND
Optical Gas Imaging with FLIR camera: Susquehanna, PA
Unseen compressor station emissions
Gas Drilling Tour of Impacted Areas with Vera Scroggins
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Gas Flaring at a Compressor Station
Home Destroyed for Fracking Site
Activist Vera Scroggins & Mohawk Nation Press Conference: Rally to Stop NED Pipeline
Dr. David Carpenter at Save Burden Lake Rally against NED pipeline
Doctor speaks to health risks near compressor stations
Rindge Conservation Commission "Wetland Mitigation Meeting" with Kinder Morgan
Recommended Movies
Very strongly recommended
Very strongly recommended
FRACKING HELL: The Untold Story
Strongly recommended
True Story about Woburn, MA water contamination case
BLUE GOLD: World Water Wars
Strongly recommended to understand where the future of pipelines may be going.