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Volunteer / Intern



Thank you for considering becoming an ECHO Action volunteer! We're recruiting volunteers now to strengthen our team and prepare for pipeline opposition and climate action! There are many opportunities. Please fill out the volunteer form below so we can determine what role fits your talents and interests!




Thank you for considering an internship with ECHO Action! We're recruiting volunteers now for the upcoming semester!


We have chatted with many friendly, energetic students who care about environmental issues and want to be part of positive change. We are excited to build our engagement with students throughout Southern NH.


Students are welcome to participate as a volunteer at an event with us if that all you need for course requirements, but if you want the opportunity to personally work with professionals who do organizing, communications, education, policy, divestment and art work in support of environmental justice causes and share your own ideas, skills and energy as well, then an internship may be right for you!




• Fill out the application and choose a category that meets your area of interest

• We'll meet and discuss how that may fit into our work, and develop a plan for the semester.


Advocacy work, like life, is unpredictable. For you to have a meaningful experience, you'll need to be open to changing opportunities and shifting gears as priorities change.



Community Service, School Internships, School-to-Work Programs

High school students may apply as a volunteer to receive credit for community service hours or as an intern in coordination with internship programs at your school.




Certificate of Completion

Students who successfully complete the semester will receive a certificate of completion to show your professor you have completed the work agreed upon and for use on your resume.


Written Recommendation

Those who impress us with their advocacy work may receive a letter of recommendation from a professional in the field, such as a teacher, engineer or artist.


About Internships

Your internship is informal and unpaid, but we do ask for a commitment for the semester. In return, you gain new skills, have new experiences and build your resume.



We are currently building local and national campaigns that include education, direct nonviolent action, writing, outreach, policy and art to support stopping the Keene gas plant and gas expansion in NH, reforming the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), reducing plastic pollution and of course, increasing climate action!



Please fill out the volunteer form below before the semester begins so we can determine if our interests are compatible. Our advocates are volunteers, and their time is precious, so internship slots are limited.

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