NH Politicians on Climate, Pipelines & Fossil Fuels
Commitment To No Fossil Fuel Money
New Hampshire candidates, will you commit to No Fossil Fuel Money?
ELECTED OFFICIALS: Already in office? You can use this form to make a statement in opposition to the Granite Bridge Pipeline!
Candidates making this commitment are adopting a policy of not knowingly accepting any contributions over $200 from the PACs, executives, or front groups of fossil fuel companies - companies whose primary business is the extraction, processing, distribution, or sale of oil, gas, or coal. We will provide a list of these companies upon request.
We encourage all candidates for NH public office to make a commitment today to align with the national movement to stop taking dirty campaign funds.
ECHO Action NH is sharing the names of candidates who commit to no fossil fuel funding. This is not an endorsement of the candidate. Their commitment demonstrates their willingness to prioritize climate action, renewable energy, jobs and protection of our health, safety and a livable planet, now and for future generations.
Learn more about the impacts of climate change in New Hampshire.
"As a candidate for office in the State of New Hampshire, I commit to not to taking campaign contributions from climate polluters so that the public can be confident that my votes on energy policy are in the best interests of my constituents.
I commit to not taking contributions from the oil, gas, and coal industry and instead prioritize the health of our families, climate, and democracy over fossil fuel industry profits.
I will refuse campaign contributions of $200 or more from executives, in-house lobbyists and others employed by the following companies: Eversource, Liberty Utilities, Kinder Morgan, BP, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Global Partners, Global Petroleum, National Grid, Shell and Enbridge Energy."
These are the best candidates on energy & renewables, not taking fossil fuel money and opposing pipelines.
They're also high energy, positive people ready to serve the people and protect the environment!
PLEASE VOTE! Your vote matters! Primary: 9/11/18 - General Election: 11/6/18

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
"One of the hard things when you're running for office or when you're active in a cause, is you're thinking generationally in a world where people do not think generationally. They're thinking day, week, month, year...the decisions we make are going to stick around for 20, 40, 50 years after...these are bridges to the past. We've crossed those bridges, so let's go lead. Let's go build a bridge to the future and I think conservation's a huge part of it, offshore wind, solar, upgrade the electric grid...Conservation is such an important centerpiece of how we're going to be the best state we can be and all these projects [pipelines], I think, get in the way of that. So we've just got to say that out loud, every day. When you spend time talking to people in their teens, twenties, thirties, these are the sort of questions they want answered. I am 100% opposed to Granite Bridge. We can go 50% renewable by 2030!"
Facebook: @MarchandForNH

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
"Fossil fuel infrastructure lowers the marginal cost of future purchases of fossil fuels, with ratepayers taking the investment risk. It's as if ratepayers backed the installation of tens of thousands of solar panels so that they cost of solar would go down. Hmmm, not a bad idea... But the utilities do not stand to gain so, of course, will not encourage this. In order to internalize the externalities of fracking and climate change, we need to implement carbon fee and dividend policy."
Facebook: @JeanneForSenate

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
"I want to breathe and not eat or drink poison. Others also deserve this."
Facebook: @DelmarBurridge

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
NH Sierra Club Endorsed
"We must find alternative renewable energy and stop continuing our dependence with new projects."
Facebook: @WhatsRight4Goffstown

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
& Keene Gas Expansion
"I want the Earth to still be habitable for our grandchildren. All fossil fuel infrastructure and usage makes that less likely. We need 100% renewable energy as soon as possible, and an end to all fossil fuels."
Facebook: @DanWestervelt4NH

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
"I would definitely support a federal task force to look at alternative energy in addition to offshore wind. I think it's a great idea. I also think that we should do things to subsidize solar panels....I do not support Granite Bridge [Pipeline]. I'm with you on that...that's a fracked gas product and I think that is really damaging for the environment. Clean Water, Clean Elections, Clean Campaign! My goal is 100% renewable by 2035!"
Facebook: @Mindi4Congress

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
"Our investments should be focused on modernizing the energy grid to allow for decentralized energy. This will allow green energy to compete as well as make our country more secure from foreign attack."
Facebook: @DeaglanforCongress

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
"I am so concerned about the Granite Bridge which Liberty is trying to push on you and your neighbors. Your select board and town councils seems to think that this is a good idea because Liberty are going to donate $7,000,000,00 a year to your town." (More)
Facebook: @Laura4NH

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
"NH should be focusing on ways to encourage the development of clean, renewable energy sources."
Facebook: @FrostNHstaterep

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
NH Sierra Club Endorsed
"I believe in safer and greener methods to deliver energy."
Facebook: CarlosCardona4NH

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
"The Granite Bridge Pipeline, and all other Fossil Fuel infrastructure, is a giant step backward. New Hampshire needs to be investing in 21st century, homegrown, sustainable energy! Now."
Facebook: @SparkyVP

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
"Frankly, I don't believe any of these pipeline industries. There in it for one reason and that's to profit. Anything that is assisting the fossil fuel industry in my view is contributing to climate change #1, and #2, it's only interest is profits and the corruption of our government. It provides so much funding to politicians, and the politicians are bought and paid for...we have politicians who are at the beck and call of the fossil fuel industry."
Facebook: @SoldatiForCongress

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
& Keene Gas Expansion
NH Sierra Club Endorsed
"New Hampshire's utilities must stop investing 100's of millions of dollars in fossil-fuel infrastructure and commit to investing in renewable energy. 'Natural Gas' is not a bridge fuel, just another fossil fuel. Fracking causes tremendous damage to the environment, and pipelines - always - eventually leak or rupture."
Facebook: @ChrisBalchNH

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
& Keene Gas Expansion
"New Hampshire needs to focus on our energy future, not the past. Fossils and fossil fuels are things of the past. We can create good paying, union jobs by building renewable energy infrastructure and there are many other jobs that go with it. We can’t afford to wait until the last possible fossil fuel resources are squeezed out of the earth. The future is now."
Facebook: @JenniferBernet4Hillsborough4

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
& Keene Gas Expansion
NH Sierra Club Endorsed
"This project is huge! It doubles Liberty's pipeline capacity in New Hampshire. Why are we making big investments in fossil fuel infrastructure to the tune of $340 million, at this late date? It's a last desperate grab by a dying industry to lock NH into fossil fuels.
The explosions and fires in Merrimack Valley and the leaky distribution lines throughout New Hampshire make it obvious that it's a dangerous investment too! Raising the net metering cap would have helped businesses, towns, schools and non-profits, but the Governor supported the utility lobbyists instead of us!"
Facebook: @ElectPatMartin

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
"I am not convinced it is either safe or necessary. NH needs to find a better way."
Facebook: @NHRepPorter

Opposed to Granite Bridge Pipeline
& Keene Gas Expansion
"Think twice, people of Keene. Urge your city councilors to reject the pipeline under the Ashuelot River!"
Facebook: @TerryMClark