Vote YES on Carbon Cash-Back Warrant Articles (#13 in Hillsborough)
[Also on the ballot in other NH towns.]
Voters old, young, conservative, liberal, Republican and Democrat are concerned about climate change. We know our leaders must take action soon to avoid critical outcomes, but we want the rules to be fair.
Thoughtful citizens in numerous towns have placed warrant articles on ballots asking town officials to call upon our State and Federal representatives to pass carbon-pricing legislation.This month at town meetings and voting places across the state, we have an opportunity to amplify our voices.
The proposed bipartisan 'Carbon Cash-Back' program uses a revenue-neutral, market-based carbon price with cashback rebates to all adults. Carbon cash-back provides about $500 annually to each adult coming from fees paid by carbon producers.
Studies show 72% of families will financially benefit or remain even when considering increased energy cost. Among those who do not benefit, the typical loss is 0.2% of income. Rapid reductions in harmful emissions follow, resulting in cleaner air and a healthier environment.
Energy dollars stay local, promoting economic growth, creating 2 million new jobs. Energy independence is promoted and diversification of energy infrastructure is encouraged. The Granite State’s wealth of natural resources that are the basis for so much tourism income and quality of life are protected.
The key points of the bill are: • good for the economy • effective greenhouse gas reduction • good for families • revenue neutral (dollars in =dollars out)
Vote yes on the Carbon Cash-Back Warrant Article in your town. Hillsborough’s Warrant article is #13.
Sue Durling