Meetings & Vigils
All meeting and vigils announced here are peaceful, nonviolent, drug-free and weapon-free events. We ask that you please respect these guidelines if you would like to join us.
Peace vigils are organized by the individuals named for each location. All schedules are subject to change, so please contact organizers or our ECHO Action NH Facebook page for updates.
Always check the weather, consider the conditions in your area and your health before heading out. Be prepared with appropriate gear and flashlights before participating in outdoor events.
Fossil Fuel Divestment Vigils
Weekly Meetings
We're letting TD Bank customers know their money is funding the
Dakota Access Pipeline, Keystone XL and other pipelines. We suggest they close their account and move their money to a credit union.
• Peaceful, non-confrontational.
Would you like to host a vigil in your town? Contact us.
TD Bank, 100 Main Street, Keene, with Pat Martin
Saturdays: 12:00pm-1:00pm
- December 31st
- Every Saturday in January & February, March
- April 1st, 8th, 15th
Milford Oval, Milford
with Chris Balch
Saturdays: 11:00am-12:00pm
- Every Saturday in February, March, April
For more details & updates, visit our event page on Facebook.
Keene Gas Plant
Community Information Session
Please check the Keene Gas Plant page for updates to this schedule.
Peace Vigils
Keene & Peterborough
Keene, NH
Saturdays, Central Square with Jeff Scott, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Peterborough, NH
Saturdays, Peterborough Town Hall with Jim Giddings, 12:00-1:00 PM
Roaring Brook Affinity Group (NVDA)
Monthly Meetings
Our monthly outdoor meetings resume in June!
12/21, 6:00 PM, Richmond
11/16, 6:00 PM, Richmond
10/12, 6:00 PM, Richmond
9/14, 6:00 PM, Richmond
8/18, 6:00 PM, Richmond
7/22, 3:00 PM, MHM
6/18, 10:00 AM, MHM
Roaring Brook coordinator:
Non-violent direct action training: Sugar Shack Alliance
- Richmond Pavilion
- Member Home Meeting
Pipeline Vigils & Drop In Info Sessions
ECHO Action Info Sessions
Every 1st Wednesday, 6:00 PM
Usually 2nd Wednesdays, 6:00 PM, check Facebook page for schedule.
Fitzwilliam Town Library
11 Templeton Turnpike, Fitzwilliam, NH 03447
5:00-8:00 PM
CONTACT: Stephanie Scherr
Winchester Pipeline Awareness
Info Sessions: Suspended!
Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday
1 Richmond Road, Winchester, NH 03470
5:00 - 7:00 PM
Ask questions, get answers!
CONTACT: Sue Durling
Northfield, MA Vigils
Every Thursday & Saturday (winter hours): Suspended!
Northfield Town Hall
69 Main Street, Northfield, MA 01360
Thursdays: 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Saturdays: 8:30 AM - ?
Temple & New Ipswich Vigils
Locations Rotate: Suspended!
Peterborough, NH - corner of Route 202 & 101
Amherst, NH - Walmart
Saturdays: Times vary