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627 of 836 NH property denied Kinder Morgan access to their property. WE CAN DO BETTER.

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

If 627 of 836 NH property owners have denied Kinder Morgan access to their land for surveying, I'm here to tell you, we can do better. We have to do better.

Since last year's push for property owners to deny access, routes have shifted, 3 more potential compressor station sites were added to the map in Winchester and now, an industrial fracked gas plant could be heading for Hinsdale. That means there are more affected land owners. Many of these land owners are unaware of the threat to their homes and lives.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) takes note of how many landowners deny property access because it is an indicator of opposition. Who should send FERC & Kinder Morgan deny access letters? Each and every one of you, regardless of whether you are directly affected by the pipeline coming through your property.

Denying access:

• Sends a direct message of opposition to Kinder Morgan and FERC

• Protects your neighbors from survey access through your adjacent property.

• Protects you from being accessed for unknown changes in the pipeline route.

We encourage all affected towns along the pipeline route, adjacent towns and all NH landowners to deny access. We do not need this gas, it goes against the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and President Obama's Climate Power Plan (CPP) and if that doesn't convince you, all New Hampshire electric ratepayers will be paying for this pipeline on their electric utility bill.



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