Chelsea Clinton was challenged at Keene State College and asked,
"It's Native American month. Will Hillary honor indigenous rights and land treaties and stop the Dakota Access Pipeline?" (11:21)
The scarf held up says, "Stop Funding Fossils".
After her speech, she worked her way across the front of the room. Security people were saying that videotaping was not allowed, so there's just audio and a shot of her Hillary campaign shirt. She says about #NoDAPL,
"I don't know how much more we can talk about it. We talk about it a lot."
During the fight to stop the NED pipeline, our awareness was raised about the Unist'ot'en Camp in Canada and how indigenous people have been bullied and pressured to allow a pipeline through land that is not and never has been owned by Canada. The Pessamit Nation of Quebec came to NH to ask us to support them in stopping the Northern Pass project from Hydro-Quebec. Now it's Standing Rock.
We have been educated. Our awareness has been increased. We will not stand back and allow the injustice to continue. Environmental racism is pervasive and it's up to all of us to unite, speak out and address it head-on.
President Obama and Hillary Clinton need take action and stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, the massive national and global pipeline push and ban fracking. They must stop the oppressive treatment of First Nations Native Americans and global indigenous people. Respect the lives, land, ancestors and honor the treaties you have made with First Nations.
Our planet is in crisis. We have reached 400ppm CO2 and are unlikely to ever go back below that number. Indigenous people have history with the land for countless generations. They respect all life because they are deeply connected to their ancestral land. The majority of us are from other places. To have 5 or 10 generations in the same town is unusual. Indigenous people are connected to the land for generations far beyond that which most of us can comprehend.
Disconnect to reconnect. No child left inside. When we spend time as families and friends, brothers and sisters, part of and in tune with nature, we remember our place in the natural world, our dependence on it and our responsibility to protect and care for every life on Earth.
We must stand in unity, as one family, one people of Planet Earth and defend the future. #WeAreOne #NoDAPL #StandWithStandingRock
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