Listening to this interview is strongly recommended by Pat Martin.
Granite State businesses have long bemoaned New Hampshire's high energy costs, complaining they discourage expansion here and even tempt some firms to leave the state. Last fall, the Business and Industry Association launched a new campaign called Energize NH to focus attention on what it calls a crisis: the high price of energy and the need for more infrastructure and supply to lower those costs. The Energize NH campaign comes at a key time, when the Granite State seems engaged in a huge discussion about energy over pipelines and powerlines, and whether other approaches and other ways of thinking are in order, including better efficiency, a smarter grid, and an emphasis on those power sources that don't contribute to climate change.
Sam Evans-Brown, environment reporter for NHPR.
Clay Mitchell, founding member and advisor of the New Hampshire Cleantech Council. He's a lecturer in the Department of Natural Resources and The Environment at UNH.
Jim Roche, president of the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire.