Manchester NH — Sue Durling and Stephanie Scherr spoke with CNN Politics at the Amy Klobuchar Town Hall held at St. Anselm College.

"They wanted more from Klobuchar, who was "more moderate than expected"
Stephanie Scherr and Sue Durling just attended Sen. Amy Klobuchar's town hall and said they wanted more from her tonight.
Durling said she found that her ideas were more to the left of Klobuchar.

Scherr, a Fitzwilliam resident, said Klobuchar was "more moderate than expected."
"We need more than aspirational," she said. "We need serious action."
Scherr live-tweeted her thoughts about Klobuchar:
Senator Klobochar is more #MODERATE than I thought. That's why I'm here. Seize the opportunity to learn more. Still seeking #Bernie... @CNNPolitics at @amyklobuchar Town Hall @NHIOP! #NHpolitics #FITN

Are you carefully listening to the candidates and asking them the hard questions? Candidates need to do more than say they accept climate science and support #renewables.
Durling and Scherr both were both impressed with the questions asked by Monadnock Progressives members Pam Clark and Mohammad Saleh and Griffin Sinclair-Wingate of 350NH about Medicare for all, immigration and student loans debt.
After the CNN Town Hall, ECHO Action spoke with Senator Klobuchar and asked her to please make climate change a priority. She said she would, but did not elaborate any further on plans to do so.
You'll find us advocating for climate action wherever there are candidates. We hope you're there too!
We believe our planet needs aggressive #climateaction and a full transition to clean energy now.