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Energy & Plastics Use Bills to follow and support!

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

Updated: Jan 21, 2019

Chris Balch

NH State Representative

Hillsborough District 38

#Green2019 is off to an encouraging start with these bills being co-sponsored and recommend by new State Representativ Chris Balch!

HB558 Session Year: 2019 Title: restricting the distribution of plastic straws. General Status: HOUSE House Status: IN COMMITTEE Senate Status: Current/Last Committee: HOUSE H43

Straw use is greater than 500 million every day. They contribute to plastic pollution in forests, rivers, lakes, and the ocean. Straws are not recyclable. This is not a ban, but requires straws to be requested, and requires the posting of signs explaining why they must be requested.

HB560 Session Year: 2019 Title: relative to single-use carryout bags. General Status: HOUSE House Status: IN COMMITTEE Senate Status: Current/Last Committee: HOUSE H43

Single use plastic bags contribute to the 1.5 Million pounds of trash entering the ocean every hour. This prohibits free distribution of plastic bags. They will be available for .10¢ each, encouraging customers to bring re-useable bags.

SB13 Session Year: 2019 Title: relative to limited electrical energy producers and net energy metering. General Status: SENATE House Status: Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE Current/Last Committee: SENATE S38

The net metering cap means NH municipalities cannot install wind, hydro or solar to power our own municipal buildings and save taxpayers millions of dollars during the lifetime of the installation. Solar is the #1 fastest growing segment of the energy industry, providing well-paid job growth in New England.

SB122 Session Year: 2019 Title: relative to expenditures from the energy efficiency fund. General Status: SENATE House Status: Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE Current/Last Committee: SENATE S38

The Energy Efficiency Fund currently rebates the corporate auction proceeds of $10.7 million to ratepayers - comes to about $2 per year per ratepayer. Using the funds as intended would improve energy efficiency, provide jobs, add comfort to people's homes. This is a VERY wise investment - no site studies are required, no additional energy must be produced, emissions are reduced, NH's share of consumption and therefore regional rate costs go down, saving MORE than $2 per ratepayer/year.

SB123 Session Year: 2019 Title: relative to lost and unaccounted for gas, and relative to electric distribution companies investment in natural gas operations. General Status: SENATE House Status: Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE Current/Last Committee: SENATE S38

The unaccounted for/leaking natural gas is 86x more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2, and is currently charged off, without accounting, to customers.


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