"New Hampshire's largest electric utility is seeking permission to buy and sell natural gas from a proposed pipeline expansion.The Concord Monitor reports Eversource filed a request Thursday with the Public Utilities Commission that would allow it to buy natural gas from the Access Northeast pipeline expansion for two decades." (NHPR) Read more: article
"Further clarification - the Eversource filing is for a capacity agreement; just like Liberty, BUT this will be for electric generation capacity so it actually has the impact of filing for a tariff on electric ratepayers. Even if you don't care about Access Northeast, this is our fight too because a precedent will be set.
The following section is about what is contained in the application. 301.03, h "(6) For a proposed wind energy facility, information regarding the cumulative impacts of the proposed facility on natural, wildlife, habitat, scenic, recreational, historic, and cultural resources,including, with respect to aesthetics, the potential impacts of combined observation, successive observation, and sequential observation of wind energy facilities by the viewer; "Is this where we would talk about cumulative impact of a pipeline on diversity of fuel supply and the State's Climate Goals?" Case docket. (PBM)