Two events in one day! We need volunteers!
• KSC Solar Fest: 11-5 (Music, enviro tables & enthusiastic students!)
• Monadnock Earth Festival: 12-4 (Families, booths, kids activities!)
- Volunteers needed to chat, share information, take names & emails, accept donations for
Fossil Free 603 & No Pipeline buttons and Sunshine, Not Pipelines T-shirts!
- Do you have an EZ up? We will need to borrow two for these events. Can you share one? We expect a busy season at fairs and festivals this summer. If you have an EZ up to donate, let us know!
We have to staff two tables in the same town on the same day! Please contact us right away if you can help! You don't need to have all the answers, just be friendly and offer information. We will have knowledgeable people at each booth.
