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NH activists raise climate change and energy to top candidate issues in 2018

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

Updated: Nov 24, 2018

" New Hampshire the discussion about energy continued as a major thread throughout the campaign season, providing arguably one of the biggest surprises of the year", says NH Magazine.

We're not sure why it was such a surprise. In fact, the most progressive, non-establishment candidates nationwide spoke about climate change during their campaigns and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, elected to Congress, has been pushing for a #NewGreenDeal.

ECHO Action knows exactly why climate change and pipelines were the top questions being asked of candidates during the 2018 election season in New Hampshire.

We asked questions about climate and the Granite Bridge Pipeline at eight gubernatorial forums this summer. We asked the question again and again and again, often to the same candidates, letting them know that immediate action is required and pipelines full of fracked methane gas is not climate action.

We asked in public and in private, we informed and discussed climate threats, the cost to ratepayers and the safety and health threats associated with fossil fuel extraction, transport and combustion. We spoke with those living in Granite Bridge Pipeline-threatened communities and we spoke with our legislators.

For the first time, we asked candidates to commit to no fossil fuel funding of their campaigns, to say no to the Granite Bridge Pipeline and yes to offshore wind and shared their comments on social media.

We asked questions on WMUR livestreaming interviews with Molly Kelly and along with our climate-conscious friends, called in to radio shows. We shared video of candidates who ran from our questions and those who boldly addressed them head on, ready to move us forward with clean energy.

NH Sierra Club refused to endorse any candidates who supported the Granite Bridge Pipeline, which left all but one of NH's State Senators without their endorsement.

With our mission being a "Fossil Free 603" (603 is NH's area code), it's no surprise that we intend to make climate change the #1 issue in every election and to remind legislators supporting fossil fuels that the people want clean air, clean water, safe food and a healthy climate.

Our wish for 2019, 2020 and beyond is that every citizen will ask these questions of candidates and legislators, that they will challenge irresponsible energy choices that ratepayers are charged for and that you will become actively engaged in protecting the one Earth we all share.

It's time to be loud, public and persistent in saying...

• No fossil fuel expansion, no pipelines

• Seal the leaks in existing infrastructure

• Support energy efficiency with incentives

• Support, promote and subsidize renewable energy solutions like solar, wind and offshore wind

• Pull the plug on fracking and fossil fuels that pollute and poison

We know how important it is to stop fossil fuels right now, today, and to act on climate. We're committed to making New Hampshire #FossilFree603! #NHpolitics


Healthcare, Trump and the economy are all lower on NH's wish list

"Politicians paying close attention should know what New Hampshire voters want for Christmas this year: an energy plan.

The 2018 election was about many things nationwide. It was a Rorschach test of feelings toward President Trump, it was about the economy, and one out of three television ads in the closing days was about healthcare.

But in New Hampshire the discussion about energy continued as a major thread throughout the campaign season, providing arguably one of the biggest surprises of the year. From Northern Pass to the proposed Granite Bridge pipeline to biomass plants and just simply the high price of electricity in the state, energy really matters here.

Days before the November election, when Democratic candidate for governor Molly Kelly was asked during a New Hampshire Public Radio debate about her biggest accomplishment in the state Senate, it wasn’t voting for gay marriage or Medicaid expansion she cited. Nope, it was for sponsoring a net-metering bill aimed at encouraging renewable energy into the New England power grid.

If you listened to any local political debate or call-in radio show in the state, something involving energy would likely come up, if not play a big part of the hour.

Why this was the case isn’t particularly clear. The fight over Northern Pass, the proposed hydroelectric power line that would go down the spine of the state, has been going on for years. This has given time for groups on both sides to become more professional and savvy in their approaches.

These groups then have informal spin-offs when other projects are announced, e.g. the Kinder Morgan pipeline in the southwestern part of the state or the Granite Bridge pipeline along Route 101 in the eastern part of the state.  

The energy industry, in turn, has amped up lobbying and campaign dollars to influence candidates. They also created an “energy summit” that attracts many candidates and has become so powerful that former US senator Kelly Ayotte made a rare in-state appearance to keynote the event this year.

So when Gov. Chris Sununu vetoed a pair of bills that would have provided subsidies to prop up a struggling biomass industry, you knew that it was going to be a thing, not just some wonky issue lost in the news cycle. In fact, a bipartisan coalition made statements on WMUR-TV days after the vetoes were signed.

Where we go from here in 2019 remains to be seen. With a field of maybe 20 Democratic presidential candidates crisscrossing the state, many will make the connection between climate change and local energy policy. Indeed, in the 2012 campaign, even Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich closed his New Hampshire presidential primary campaign declaring his opposition to Northern Pass.

It’s clear that this issue is hardly going away, and ambitious local and national politicians from both parties would be smart to take a position and lead on it. After all, Santa Claus may not be political, but it’s safe to assume he cares about reindeer-fuel efficiency in his sleigh and that he supports clean chimneys."


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