We applaud the sponsors of NH #HB404! No town should have #LNG tanks forced on them...and the same goes for #PIPELINES.
We fully support this bill and appreciate the work of the new Science, Technology & Energy Committee. #NHpolitics
• Your physical presence is important. Please attend if you can! Carpool and find a way there. It's that important.
• Testify! You may make a statement no longer than 5 minutes. You may bring a written statement and read from it. If you're not comfortable reading it, you can email it or drop it off at the hearing.
• You can call the Science, Technology and Energy Committee and leave them a message asking them to support this bill at 603-271-3369.
Email the Science, Technology & Energy Committee
• Copy and paste this list into your email and send!
Bob.Backus@leg.state.nh.us, Howard.Moffett@leg.state.nh.us, Lee.Oxenham@leg.state.nh.us, cali0917@aol.com, john.mann@leg.state.nh.us, staterep27@myfairpoint.net, KVincentNHrep@comcast.net, Chris.Balch@leg.state.nh.us, Kat.McGhee@leg.state.nh.us, Rebecca.McWilliams@leg.state.nh.us, George.Saunderson@leg.state.nh.us, Ken.Wells@leg.state.nh.us, harringt@metrocast.net, jeanine.notter@leg.state.nh.us, glenaldrich@gmail.com, doug.thomasnh@gmail.com, merner08@aol.com, thud007@hotmail.com, james.webb@leg.state.nh.us, Fred.Plett@leg.state.nh.us
• Email your own State Representative!
January 23rd, 2:00 pm
Legislative Office Building, Room 305-307
• Be Seen and Heard, your presence is important
• Testify (you may have up to 5 minutes or turn in written testimony
Support ECHO Action's work for a #FossilFree603!
AN ACT relative to a local option for liquefied natural gas storage facility sitings.
SPONSORS: Rep. Vallone, Rock. 9; Rep. Berrien, Rock. 18; Rep. McConnell, Rock. 11; Rep. DiLorenzo, Rock. 17; Rep. Ward, Rock. 28; Rep. McGhee, Hills. 40; Rep. Andrew Bouldin, Hills. 12; Rep. Muscatel, Graf. 12; Sen. Dietsch, Dist 9; Sen. Levesque, Dist 12
COMMITTEE: Science, Technology and Energy
This bill permits a town to vote on whether or not to site a liquified natural gas storage facility in the town.
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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Nineteen
AN ACT relative to a local option for liquefied natural gas storage facility sitings.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 New Subdivision; Liquified Natural Gas Storage Facility Siting. Amend RSA 31 by inserting after section 109 the following new subdivision:
Liquified Natural Gas Storage Facility Siting
31:109-a Local Option for Siting Liquified Natural Gas Storage Facility in Towns.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, no liquified natural gas storage facility shall be located in any town unless the town approves it as follows:
I. The governing body may approve a site plan for a liquified natural gas storage facility by a 2/3 majority vote.
II. The governing body may place the question of whether or not to approve the location of a liquified natural gas storage facility in such town on the ballot to be voted upon at any regular municipal or biennial election, or at a special election called for the purpose of voting on such question. The special election shall be held at the usual polling places by the regular election officers. Should a referendum be held, the following question shall be placed on the ballot: "Shall a liquified natural gas storage facility be permitted within the town of ( )?" Said question shall be printed in the form prescribed by RSA 656:13. If a majority of those voting on the question vote in the affirmative, then approval shall be deemed granted and the governing body shall be bound by the outcome. If a majority of those voting on the question vote in the negative, approval shall be deemed not granted and no liquified natural gas storage facility may be located in the town unless approval is subsequently granted in accordance with this paragraph or paragraph III.
III. Upon submission to the governing body of a petition signed by at least 10 percent of the registered voters of the town requesting a referendum on the question of whether or not a liquified natural gas storage facility should be located in said town, the governing body shall direct that the question appear on the ballot at the next regular municipal or biennial election. If such petition is submitted at any time prior to 2 months before the next regular municipal or biennial election, the governing body shall direct that a special election be called. The election procedure and the form of the question shall be as provided in paragraph II. If a majority of those voting on the question vote in the affirmative, then approval shall be deemed granted and the governing body shall be bound by the outcome. If a majority of those voting on the question vote in the negative, approval shall be deemed not granted and no liquified natural gas storage facility may be located in the town unless approval is subsequently granted in accordance with this paragraph or paragraph II.
IV. Nothing in this section shall be construed as changing, modifying, or affecting in any way the provisions of RSA 674 relating to zoning regulations.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage."