- The PUC to expand fracked gas in NH and put fracked gas in our state buildings. - We need your support for NH offshore wind and other clean energy projects. - We need you to vote for clean energy candidates. Don't assume that the candidate the parties are putting forth are our best options. We make that decision, not them. Ask questions, meet candidates, be informed. If we can help you, let us know. - We're going to need your support to stop this. Please stay engaged and help others to. #KeepNEDdead.
"I encourage people to go to the PUC website and read the testimony filed in DG 16-770; particularly Mr. Bloomfield's own testimony and references to a "death spiral" created by the State pulling its contract commitment with Concord Steam. In a technical session on Friday, Mr. Licata of Liberty Utilities was asked if their pushes for market share in Concord, Lebanon and Pelham would lead to more transmission pipeline proposals (like NED and Access Northeast). He said they had enough gas through 2017(!). He also said that they intend to grow their business. We are at another crossroad, but I don't see any of that innovative leadership we need on climate coming from Concord. I encourage people to get involved in this issue and make a clear statement to the Executive Council that they should NOT approve this contract that is being pushed without regard to other solutions that wouldn't lock us into a 20 year commitment to fossil fuels and future pipeline projects!" ~ Pat Martin