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PETITION: NH's ready to be #FossilFree603! Kinder Morgan & Liberty Utilities, we'll pass

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

KEENE has a climate action plan, a climate adaptation plan, a state-of-the-art recycling facility, a food co-op and a reputation for being savvy decision makers. A gas plant and pipeline are out-of-sync with wise community planning. Please join us in sending a message to our legislators, decision makers and the Mayor of Keene.


Dear Governor Sununu, Senator Shaheen, Senator Hassan, Congresswoman Kuster, Congresswoman Shea-Porter and Keene Mayor Lane.

It's time for New Hampshire to say YES to energy efficiency and abundant, home-grown, renewable energy and stop supporting damaging fossil fuels.

• For the ever-increasing JOBS renewable energy creates. Solar is booming and offshore wind would create tens of thousands of jobs for Granite Staters.

• For our ECONOMY, using cutting-edge technology that makes homes and businesses run more efficiently, economically and cleaner, inviting small business and industry to grow with us.

• To protect our air, water, health, farms, scenic vistas and historic villages.

• To demonstrate a VISION FOR THE FUTURE of the Granite State that lets youth know this is a place to stay, play, learn and live.

We said NO to Kinder Morgan's NED pipeline. The pipeline was withdrawn due to a lack of contracts for the gas.

We're now saying NO to Liberty Utilities' plan to create the need for a pipeline by pushing gas on unsuspecting communities, like Keene, across NH. The forced closure of NH wood-sourced Concord Steam biofuel plant caused the loss of forestry jobs and will cost taxpayers $25-100M while a no-cost option was blatantly ignored to the benefit of Liberty Utilities.

Cities and towns are being baited with deals that are costly to ratepayers, trying to lock them into a fossil fuel future to save a dying industry. The cost to convert, the impacts on our health, safety, children and future are too great.

Since 2014, we have been educating, lobbying, testifying at Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) hearings, meeting with organizations nationwide, attending conferences, organizing and training communities, giving workshops, mentoring college students and marching to protect NH residents and their families. We know the impacts of being short-sighted and the benefits of making conscious decisions with responsible long-term goals.

For our future, our air, water, economy & jobs, we're ready to be #FossilFree603.


© 2020 ECHO Action: #FossilFree603  • •

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