"BREAKING NEWS: Maritimes pipeline reaches 50% capacity for the first time this winter. This occurred early on January 1, when the wind picked up and it was around zero degrees.
In the attached graph you can see numbers like 582 at Eliot Maine. This is 582 million cubic feet out of 833 million cubic feet capacity. That's a pipeline operating at 70% capacity.The pipeline continued above 50% capacity all day.
Now I don't have any confirmation of this, but it could mean that a tanker docked at Canaport New Brunswick is contributing to the gas flow. When a tanker plus the storage tanks are both feeding gas to the Maritimes pipeline, they could send as much as 13 billion cubic feet before they are both empty.
So, if Canaport is pumping gas south at a rate of over 500 million cubic feet a day, they could continue to do that for 26 days. This is a huge amount of energy and it is one of the things which keep new pipelines from getting built in this region."
- Facebook, 1/2/18