Power To The People: The PUC & Fossil Fuel Expansion in NH
Thursday, August 2nd, 6:00 pm
49 Community Way, Keene NH
* Across from Monadnock Food Co-Op: Please park with care as many areas are for residents or co-op customers.
D. Maurice Kreis, New Hampshire’s Consumer Advocate at the Public Utility Commission (PUC) visits Keene on Thursday, Aug 2nd. The Clean Energy Team is hosting a talk by Attorney Kreis on his role advocating for residential ratepayers in public utility proceedings and policy decisions. OCA Kreis will address the impact of public engagement and share his perspective on what issues matter to the PUC. The presentation starts at 6 PM at 49 Community Way, across from the Co-Op.
A panel discussion with educator and ECHO Action activist, Stephanie Scherr, Keene City Councilor, Terry Clark, and Attorney Richard Husband immediately follows the presentation. All three panelists are involved in dockets currently before the PUC and will share their experiences in “picking their battles,” and the opportunities for engagement by interested citizens.
The Clean Energy Team of Monadnock Progressive Alliance hosts educational events to help our neighbors and local businesses learn about the economic, environmental and health benefits of energy efficiency, weatherization, and renewable energy.
The event is free and open to the public.
Monadnock Progressive Alliances' Clean Energy Team
Pat Martin: pmartin2894@yahoo.com