Please begin submitting comments to the PUC on DE 16-241 (Eversource request for approval of capacity contracts at ratepayer expense). The link to this docket is below. Below are comments on the results of this week's Executive Session of House Ways & Means committee.
"This morning the House Ways & Means Committee voted 21-0 to send HB 1101 to Interim Study. This will result in the creation of a subcommittee which will report back to the Ways & Means Committee, probably October 31st, with their recommendations.
Yesterday, Speaker Jasper spoke to the Republican members of the committee in an attempt to garner enough votes to either pass the bill or avoid a very lopsided defeat. Unfortunately, his efforts were unable to significantly change the vote count.
In my view, Interim Study is only slightly better than an outright defeat. It, in my view accurately, represents the committee’s view that this is something they’d rather not deal with.
Given the unanimous vote for Interim Study, I will not seek a floor vote. There are a number of reasons for this. First, the vote would be on an Interim Study and, recognizing reality, even our staunchest supporters on the committee voted for it. Second, nothing that comes out of committee 21-0 stands anything beyond a tiny chance of being overturned. Third, we will be voting against a calendar deadline on a gigantic number of bills Wednesday and Thursday and we have been told we should expect to be voting into the evening and perhaps into the night. Adding what would be seen as a hopeless vote can only cost us votes."
- Representative Jim McConnell