Chris Balch
ECHO Action Team
Dear Editor,
The natural gas disaster that struck Massachusetts last night was a mere 30 miles south of Liberty Utilities’ proposed Granite Bridge Pipeline. Nearly simultaneously, dozens of homes exploded with 60-90 fires erupting in the communities of Lawrence, Andover, and North Andover. Over 8,000 people have been evacuated from their homes.
“It looked like Armageddon,” said Andover Fire Chief Michael Mansfield, “I could see plumes of smoke in front of me, within the town of Andover, it looked like an absolute war zone.”
Liberty Utilities will assure you that what happened to our neighbors to the south “Can’t happen here.” They will tell you that they have higher safety standards, more modern equipment, or a better maintenance plan.
But, if they are allowed to build Granite Bridge, it will someday happen. Simply because with pressurized containment of any kind, it’s not ‘if’ it will leak, it’s ‘when.’ And it’s ‘how badly.’
Isn’t it time to make a better decision than to accept further investment in fossil fuels? Isn’t it time to invest in renewable, non-polluting, non-exploding resources, instead of continuing down this greed and profit-driven path that clearly leads to disaster?
Chris Balch, Candidate for NH House of Representatives Wilton