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What did you think the gas company was going to say?

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

Updated: Sep 18, 2018

Chris Balch

Echo Action Team

Dear Editor,

Headline in the Manchester Union Leader: NH Firms Say Gas Lines Here Are Safe.

Just what do you think Columbia Gas told their customers? Do you think they warned the people of Andover, Lawrence, and North Andover that multiple explosions resulting in raging fires were imminent? Do you think they told people that homes would be destroyed, that thousands would be evacuated, that dozens would be injured, that damages would be in the millions, and that the area would be without power for days?

Of course not. They told everyone that Natural Gas is wonderful. That it’s safe.

See how that turned out?

Now, when Liberty Utilities tells you that they want to build a new natural gas pipeline, and a 2-billion cubic foot storage facility, and that it’s all wonderful, it’s all safe… don’t you believe them. Don’t you dare. Because what NH needs is clean energy, not another natural gas catastrophe.

Chris Balch Candidate for NH Representative, Wilton, NH


"Don't take gas firms' word on safety", Chris Balch, Keene Sentinel


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