War-torn Syria just announced they will sign the Paris Agreement, leaving the United States as the only country on Earth that hasn't signed the agreement to tackle climate change.
In the past month, two out of the three countries left in the world who hadn't signed the Paris Agreement have joined the rest of the world. That includes Nicaragua signing the accord last month, which held out for stronger emission reductions than the Paris Agreement targeted. The other country, Syria has been under civil war since 2011 and still prioritized signing the agreement amidst the internal fighting.
The United States now stands alone in the world as the only country to reject the Paris Agreement. The agreement even includes North Korea, which despite being against the rest of the world on practically every other issue, has decided that this is bigger than all of us and requires a global response.
While these last few countries signing the Paris Agreement is symbolically significant, they emit very little in terms of greenhouse gas emissions compared to the United States.
This past summer President Trump announced that the United States would be pulling out of the Paris Agreement, stating that the agreement would be bad for the United States' economy. This comes after former President Barack Obama was fundamental in the formation of the Paris Agreement. In 2015 the only two countries in the world that hadn't signed the agreement were Nicaragua and Syria, for the reasons stated above.
Now, America, the country that was fundamental in the development of the Paris Agreement now stands as the only country in the world to reject it. While President Trump has announced he rejects the agreement, America is not allowed to formally withdraw from the agreement until late 2020.
Despite President Trump rejecting the Paris Agreement, he sent a delegation to the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn which is currently taking place. The Trump Administration's goal is to convince the rest of the world that the "solution" to climate change is burning coal. Meanwhile, the rest of the world understands that coal is the single worst energy source to tackle climate change, producing the most CO2 emissions per unit energy than any other energy source.
Every single other country on the planet has looked at the science and hard facts and realized that climate change is human driven and can be mitigated through reductions in greenhouse gases. Only the United States stands against science, against decades of research conducted around the world by professors, oil companies, and government entities.
President Trump and his administration also stand in opposition to major oil and gas companies, who have developed the Climate Leadership Council to seek a path forward on tackling climate change. The council of major oil and gas companies and other manufacturers seek a carbon tax to help limit emissions.
While the United States has decided to put its head in the sand under the Trump Administration, the rest of the world's governments and companies are moving forward to tackle climate change. Climate change deniers have ultimately lost, their spread of pseudoscience and disregard for the facts certainly stalled action but they've ultimately failed.
Now, the question is whether the United States will take part in directing the future of energy solutions. While the rest of the world moves to invest heavily in renewables, implement carbon reduction technology, and alter consumption habits the United States runs the risk of losing its competitiveness in the global marketplace.
The entire world is moving toward a different future, the United States ought to think long and hard whether we want to sit back and let the rest of the world dictate our future or whether we will continue to lead.