Governor Sununu has been public about his support for pipelines. We've been keeping our eyes and ears open, particularly since he invited EPA Chief Scott Pruitt to NH to assist him with water regulations.
One of our members received an inquiry to rent an apartment from a person who claimed to be a model and freelance designer. The person stated, "I am coming for a Geological inspection of a Fueling station and the marketing of crude and natural gas in your City on behalf of my Company." While we suspect the image was an identity cover, the person asked for specific address and information to pass on to a supervisor who would secure the apartment. The applicant was told the apartment was no longer available.
We don't want to cause panic, but we want you to be aware, aware and alert. This member also reported having had quite a few visitors wanting to access their property for various surveys or water testing. They were refused entry. Here are our suggestions:
• Post your property with No Trespassing signs now.
• Alert us to any unusual activity on your property or information you hear from neighbors. It's okay if you don't have details. It's good for us to be aware of possible activity.
• If someone asks to access your property, we suggest you ask for their card and a supervisor's name and number. Let them know you are going to contact their supervisor and get back to them. Whether or not you contact them after that is up to you, but we would appreciate knowing the names of any individuals or company who asks to come on to your property and for what purpose. We will not share your personal information with others. We appreciate your commitment to keeping neighbors informed and respect your privacy.
• Some members and Facebook followers have said they already put their "No Pipeline" sign back out on their lawn.
You're always welcome to contact us with information or questions via email or by directly contacting your area representative.