Does Mayor Lane know what a gas plant is? Do you?
Did you know that Kinder Morgan was looking at Vernon VT or Hinsdale NH to build an industrial gas plant? Keene just happens to be on that pipeline route, and now, a willing victim.
Gas expansion creates the need for gas, means to justify a pipeline, and expansion to an industrial gas plant and compressor station.
Keene has a climate action plan, adaptation plan, impressive recycling center and a food co-op. A gas plant is not in line with Keene community values.
In December, I testified at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. against the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) #FERCabuses with other pipeline organizations. ECHO Action NH is helping others fight what Keene is welcoming in.
Liberty Utilities has been aggressively pushing gas contracts throughout NH. They offer reduced fuel rates to cities and raise rates on other customers. Hanover said no, Lebanon is opposed.
Mayor Lane and Keene businesses want to convert the city to gas. He says he won’t support a pipeline, but he supported NED. If it were easy to say no, there wouldn’t be a national movement against FERC and eminent domain.
When Liberty Utilities has enough gas contracts, Kinder Morgan gets the thumbs up and they're in your back yard. You realize you should have done something, and now you're screaming, "Not in my back yard!" You’re a NIMBY.
An industrial gas plant would impact the entire Monadnock Region and state. Hanover said no. Lebanon is opposed. One would expect Keene to join cities like Hanover who have made the pledge to 100% renewable energy and businesses to be good community partners choosing efficiency, heat pumps and solar.
The fossil fuel industry is dying. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and the trade fracking chemicals are toxic.
The shale deposit in Nova Scotia has nearly petered out so they want to send fracked gas from Pennsylvania to Canada and export it out, making New England their carbon corridor. Once they start exporting, prices go up. It's the 'ol bait and switch.
Don’t be a gas victim. Please email and call Mayor Lane and the City Council. Ask for a community forum before gas plant approval. Join us on Thursday at 5:30 in front of City Hall for a vigil and at 7:00 for the City Council meeting and vote.
Stephanie Scherr
Fitzwilliam, NH
Submitted to the Keene Sentinel and in edited versions to the Ledger-Transcript, Union Leader, Concord Monitor and NH Labor News.