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List of the Harmed documents the suffering of 22,322 fracking victims

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

To the Editor,

THE LIST OF THE HARMED is a nationwide list of those harmed by natural (FRACKED) gas. Don't take my word for it. Read the names, the illnesses, disease, suffering and farms, water and air poisoned, caused by fracking, pipelines, compressor stations, leaks, spills, fires and explosions.

We’ll start with #1. Pam Judy lives 780 feet from a compressor station and has headaches, nausea, nosebleeds, exposure to benzene.

Let’s scroll.

#18. Beth Voyles has rashes, blisters, light-headedness, nose bleeds, benzene, toluene, arsenic in blood and urine. Farm animals and dogs suddenly died.

#1771-1776. Bill Reece, Diane Reece, Herman Tolbert, Bennett Tanksley, Susan Holmes and Charles Tacket: Frack wastewater was dumped. 14+ residents close to the site have cancer.

#5600. Charles Covert inhaled hydrogen sulfide in his home and required intensive medical treatment by 5 doctors.

#14015. Senaida Martinez’s daughters get frackquake training at school. 12 earthquakes in one day, walls cracking.

#16055. Megan Holleran's maple syrup family farm was taken by eminent domain. Trees all cut before Constitution Pipeline was approved. It was never built. (Photo above, update below*)

#21742. Glenwood Elementary School. Butane, propane, ethane piped 650 feet from the playground. 450 kids do emergency drills.

#22322. Phyllis Palmer’s cows suffered deformities and miscarriages.

#22285. Tom Rombach has gas bubbling from the ground, keeps his windows shut to keep from breathing gas fumes.

Each and every day I read about another drilling accident, fire or explosion. New and old pipelines leak. Liberty Utilities told legislators the pipeline helps climate change and they bought it. Methane is a greenhouse gas 86 times more potent than carbon dioxide and we don’t need the gas.

When we choose natural gas, we are complicit in crimes against humanity, nature and maybe our own family. Stop Granite Bridge Pipeline.

Stephanie Scherr


* Submitted to multiple new outlets

Update on Megan Holleran and family


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