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Representative District 4
Hillsborough County, NH
SB 333 Relating to net energy metering, removing the cap on solar. (Heard on January 13th)
SB 321 Relating to incentive payments to certain churches which are owners of small renewable energy generation facilities.
SB 378 Relating to the availablity of net metering tariffs.
Tuesday, January 19th
House Ways and Means Committee, Legislative Office Building, Room 202
HB 1544 Establishing a tax on revenues from natural gas transmission - establishes a tax on revenues received under contracts for natural gas transmission via in-state pipelines (1:30)
HB 1101 Prohibiting charges to New Hampshire residents for the construction of a high pressure gas pipeline - prohibits the imposition of any tariff, tax, or fee on any state resident for the construction of a high pressure gas pipeline. (2:00 PM)
* Representative Jim McConnell says this is the MOST IMPORTANT pipeline bill and if you can only attend one legislative meeting, this is the one to attend.
Thursday, January 21st
Science, Technology and Energy Committee, Legislative Office Building, Room 305-307
HB 1472 Relative to the siting of certain new pipelines and storage vessels - requires new construction of certain underground pipelines and storage tanks to be below the frost line (10:00 AM)
HB 1174 Relative to energy sources for new natural gas transmission compressor stations - requires certain compressor stations for natural gas transmission to obtain power from external electric energy sources (10:30 AM)
HB 1140 Relative to financial responsibility for gas transmission pipelines - requires owners of gas transmission pipelines to procure and maintain insurance or provide a bond against any loss resulting from failure or malfunction of a pipeline (1:00 PM)
HB 1149 Requiring a royalty on the price of natural gas conveyed by pipeline intended for use in a foreign country - requires utilities and pipeline companies to pay a royalty on certain pipelines intended for or sold for use in a foreign country (2:00 PM)
HB 1148 Relative to pipeline capacity contracts - requires the public utility commission to determine whether any pipeline capacity contract is in the public interest (3:00 PM)
HB 1146 Relative to certificates of site and facility - requires a certificate of site and facility to contain certain conditions and to provide for monitoring
HB 1533 Relative to noise level limitations for permanent machinery - enables towns and cities to regulate noise level limitations for permanent machinery
HB 1109 Relative to notice of offer for property in eminent domain cases and making the condemning entity liable for reasonable attorney’s fees in certain cases - declares if it is determined that a property was undervalued by 20 percent, the condemning authority would be liable to the property owner for his or her reasonable attorney’s fees and establishes a percentage of fair market value for the notice of offers of property proposed to be taken by eminent domain
HB 1660 Relative to eminent domain for gas pipelines and relative to assessment of the land use change tax for eminent domain takings for energy infrastructure - allows an owner of land to require a pipeline company to take an entire tract of land undereminent domain, allows for pipeline company eminent domain takings to include public lands with consent of the legislative body, and provides for assessment of the land use change tax for certain eminent domain takings of land for energy infrastructure