Please consider sending Senator Ayotte a message of thanks for listening to the science and acting on climate.
To move forward with #CleanEnergy and #ClimateAction, we must support all of our representatives who understand #ClimateChange. Climate affects every life on this planet. I appreciate the leadership Senator Kelly Ayotte has shown on this critical issue and hope that her colleagues will join her in understanding the science that tells us we must #ActOnClimate,#Not2030Now. NH wants to be #FossilFree603.
Interview: Senator Kelly Ayotte from New Hampshire
"Written by Moms Clean Air ForceThis is a Moms Clean Air Force exclusive interview with New Hampshire’s Senator Kelly Ayotte:
What is unique about protecting New Hampshire’s resources?
New Hampshire’s beautiful landscape is of the utmost importance to our economy and our way of life. Preserving our outdoors for future generations is absolutely vital. As New Hampshire’s former Attorney General, and now in the United States Senate, ensuring that we protect and preserve New Hampshire’s natural resources continues to be a priority for me. I’ve opposed efforts to roll back EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution rule, which protects New Hampshire and other “downwind” states from pollutants emitted by out-of-state power plants. I also voted against a measure that would weaken national Mercury and Air Toxic Standards (MATS) for power plants, which seek to reduce toxic air pollutants such as mercury, arsenic, and metals.
As a parent are you worried about the impacts of climate change on your family and the children of New Hampshire?
As mom to Kate, 11 and Jake, 8, I am very worried about the potential impacts of climate change on my family (Tweet this) and on the next and future generations of Granite Staters. I believe that climate change is real, that humans significantly contribute to it, and it needs to be addressed. In the Senate, I helped form an Energy and Environment Working Group to focus on ways to protect our environment and climate while also bolstering clean energy innovation that helps drive job creation.
Why is the Clean Power Plan so important for New Hampshire?
The Clean Power Plan is important for New Hampshire because we must make an effort now to protect our beautiful environment to ensure we’re leaving behind a better home for our children and grandchildren. After carefully reviewing the Clean Power Plan and talking with members of the business community, environmental groups and other stakeholders across my state, I decided to support the Clean Power Plan to address climate change through clean energy solutions that will protect our environment. New Hampshire is already well on its way to meeting the goals of the Clean Power Plan through positive steps it has already taken as part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
Why is a bipartisan effort so important and how can these efforts be achieved in our politically polarizing culture?
In New Hampshire, we have a long, bipartisan tradition of working to advance common sense, balanced environmental policies. When we work together, we are better able to enact policies that will help preserve our environment for our children, grandchildren and many generations to come. I’ve been proud to help lead bipartisan efforts in the Senate to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which has helped protect thousands of acres in New Hampshire, like Mine Falls Park in my hometown of Nashua and the White Mountain National Forest. Going forward, I’m committed to working with my colleagues to permanently reauthorize LWCF.
Is there anything you would like to share that is important for Moms Clean Air Force members to know?
As a mom, I want to ensure my children and all future generations are able to enjoy the same meaningful outdoor experiences that I had growing up in New Hampshire. Going forward, I will continue my efforts to preserve and protect our environment and treasured outdoor spaces and I look forward to continuing our work together.
Kelly Ayotte was elected in 2010 to represent New Hampshire in the United States Senate. Senator Ayotte currently serves on the Armed Services, Budget, Commerce, and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committees. She is the Chair of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness and the Commerce Subcommittee on Aviation Operations.
Senator Ayotte believes climate change is real and that we must work together to find solutions so that future generations can enjoy all the outdoors has to offer. In October 2015, Senator Ayotte became the first Republican to announce her support for the Clean Power Plan, which would address climate change through clean energy solutions.
Prior to her election to the U.S. Senate, Senator Ayotte served as New Hampshire’s first female Attorney General from 2004 – 2009. Born and raised in Nashua, Kelly is married to Joe Daley, a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Air National Guard who flew combat missions during the Iraq war. They live in Nashua with their two children, Kate and Jake. Kelly is a graduate of Penn State University and Villanova University School of Law."