Monadnock Progressives hosted an energy discussion with Pat Martin at their Thursday, July 20th meeting.
Pat discussed our energy struggles as being more of a relay race than a marathon. She covered various ways citizens can have their voices heard including commenting with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), The Public Utilities Commission (PUC), the Site Evaluation Committee (SEC), our state legislature and using the Seeking Alpha website.
She shared frank information about the closing of the Concord Steam biofuel plant and the move to natural (fracked) gas in the NH State House, state buildings and in the City of Concord.
The Ready for 100 and Energize 360 campaigns were also discussed at the meeting.

Pat Martin of ECHO Action (right), along with Jennifer Risley of Monadnock Buy Local (left), were co-guest speakers at the July 20th Monadnock Progressives meeting in Keene. Photos courtesy of D'Vorah Kelley.