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Pipeline information session in Epping engages citizens, raises questions about Liberty Utilities&#3

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

Stephanie Scherr and Sue Durling gave a brief pipeline information presentation at the Epping Town Hall Board of Selectmen's meeting this evening. We were pleased with the questions received after sharing some basics about how pipelines work, safety issues, health concerns, air and water quality, and proximity to schools, churches and other community gathering places.

We appreciate the kind reception and willingness of the Epping Board of Selectmen in allowing us the time to provide information to assist them in starting a dialogue with the members of the community so they can all make an informed decision.

Thank you to all who came to listen, share and discuss the pipeline with those in your towns or districts. We are so encouraged by those of you who are carefully thinking through large energy infrastructure projects and looking towards renewable energy solutions to source our energy needs. We're also very impressed by how knowledgeable you are and the renewable projects you're already supporting, like solar and offshore wind!

We were pleased to hear Epping resident, Mark Vallone, make comments regarding becoming an intervenor in the process at the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). We advise Boards of Selectmen to become intervenors. Although the deadline to apply as an intervenor has passed, on Friday, March 9th, the commission said that they do consider applications past the deadline!

PUBLIC COMMENTING including script

Docket # DG-17-198


Most persons or entities participating in Commission proceedings do so as formal intervenors. Unless limited by the Commission, an intervenor becomes a full party to the case in question, with the right to submit testimony, participate in discovery, cross-examine witnesses at hearings and make arguments to the Commission. To gain intervenor status, one must file a Petition to Intervene that demonstrates that the party’s rights, duties, privileges, immunities or other substantial interests may be affected by the case. RSA 541-A:32, Puc 203.17.

It is the Commission’s practice to maximize public participation in Commission proceedings. Therefore, the Commission generally welcomes statements at prehearing conferences and hearings from interested parties, whether or not they have intervened formally. Puc 203.18. However, the Commission does not permit non-intervenors to present sworn testimony at hearings or to cross-examine witnesses.

Often there will be persons who are interested in the Commission’s action with respect to a particular docket. Upon request to the Executive Director, such persons will be placed on an ancillary service list designated to receive the Commission’s orders and other written communications in that docket. Persons on this list do not receive copies of pleadings filed with the Commission by parties to the docket. To be placed on such a service list, contact the Executive Director in writing with your request, including the docket number.Return to top of page"

Our slide show, and updates to it, are available on the Granite Bridge page of our website and on our YouTube channel.

The interactive map is on the page now and will continue to be updated with more information. Please feel free to share it!

The video referenced tonight of NH Consumer Advocate, D. Maurice Kreis speaking at the Public Utilities Commission in Concord, is available on the Granite Bridge page, as well as on this blog.

To arrange for a pipeline presentation in your town, please contact us! We are here to be a resource and support for you and answer your questions.

The ECHO Action Team


Support ECHO Action's mission of a #FossilFree603!

Learn more about the Granite Bridge Pipeline & LNG tank, see photos and video of the Epping tank site and a comparable tank, view our interactive map route indicating the blast zone and learn about the health and safety impact of pipelines.

ECHO Action is an all-volunteer organization. Please support pipeline education & community action by making a donation today!


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