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President's Day rally held in Concord to stand up against Trump

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

ECHO Action was at the Freedom Rally in Concord tonight sharing information about the state's plan to shut down the Concord Steam biofuel plant. They want to push fracked gas into the NH State House, state buildings and Concord School District at a taxpayer cost of $25-100M while there's a no-cost option being ignored that would renovate the plant and keep the NH jobs associated with it. Laura, Ken & Stephanie spoke to many Concord residents as well as other NH residents. Most had heard about the closure, but none knew there was another option. Handouts about Concord Steam and the great potential for NH offshore wind were shared with the many people who came by the ECHO Action table. Information about upcoming pipeline bills was also shared.


"CONCORD — Some Granite Staters spent their President's Day standing up against the decisions made by President Donald Trump in his first month in office.

A People's Freedom March was held Monday afternoon outside the Statehouse. Hundreds of people of all ages participated in the march, which moved throughout downtown Concord.

"We're speaking out. I think it's easy to stay home and pretend it all doesn't exist," resident Jean Eno said. "We're not doing that. We're here.

"Several local organizations hosted the event, including America 2.0, United Progressives of NH, NH Unites for Humanity and Open Democracy. Other groups were also involved, like the ACLU NH, the Manchester NAACP and the AFL-CIO NH [ECHO Action too!].

Organizers said the purpose of the event was "to defend rights and freedoms that are under attack."Attendees said they aligned well with the cause."It doesn't even make sense what's happening right now. This was a country that everyone admired, they cared about their people, they cared about the seniors, they cared about children," said Gail Mitchell of Barrington. "Right now, I'm very confused about what's happening.

"Her husband, Mark Mitchell, said they've been politically active for many years and are concerned."It doesn't bode well for the future of the country, what's going on," he added.Others expressed their displeasure with what they've seen over the last 30 days.

"I stand with all of these people that are out here, standing for the founding fathers' values and understanding those values," Gary Konigsberg of Dover said. "The people out here, including myself, don't feel that he has those values in his mind and in his heart.

"Monday's rally is the most recent event held in New Hampshire opposing President Trump's decisions." Article


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