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Refuse to take the pipeline pill, never surrender and always watch your back

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

Pipeline expansion in Concord? Where? Why?

As soon as the inner circle of pipeline opposition in New Hampshire heard about the plan to expand fracked gas into Concord, the red flags went up. A few thought it was already a done deal, too far gone to stop, but those who are undaunted, raised an eyebrow of suspicion, and began to dig, poke, prod and pester. Yes, pester

Once the buzz begins, the action is swift and furious. State reps who are climate conscious, "What do you know about this? Where do you stand?" Collaboration, coordination. Find the committees, follow, start sniffing the trail.

When did this happen? Why is it being fast-tracked? Who benefits from this deal?

It quickly became clear that while we were putting our energy and resources into fighting the Kinder Morgan Northeast Energy Direct (NED) pipeline, slick dealings were taking place behind the scenes. You could almost hear the whispers and chuckles. "If Kinder Morgan has to withdraw the NED, we'll start right here in Concord, take the biomass plant out of the picture, move on from there. The facility is need of repair. If they're afraid of literally behind left in the cold, we've got 'em." And it was so.

Connections, collaboration, investigation and organization.

Upon speaking to even some of the environmentally sensitive state representatives, it became clear that they accepted the narrative that it was necessary, and were ready to move on without question. We don't expect them to do everything, any more than we can, but there wasn't a bubble over any of their heads with a question mark in it.

They had them right where they wanted them. "Concord Steam is closing. The State House will be cold next winter!" Oh no, wear hats and mittens in meetings? Whatever you have to do, just do it.

Our state representatives have the facts in hand, facts that challenge those presented by the Concord Steam Task Force and Liberty Utilities. We strongly encourage representatives of both parties to make the decision that is in the best interest of the people for their health, safety and economic well-being.


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