In response to Concord Monitor article, "Sunshine Week: Senate energy committee official owns stock in energy companies."
“My legislation is not to benefit Spectra or any particular project,” he said. “It’s to give the [Public Utilities Commission] a chance to lower energy rates and consider things that may or may not be in the public interest.” (Senator Bradley)
"Republican Sen. Andy Sanborn reported he had a personal financial interest in all 16 categories including water resources and agriculture, writing “use it” and “eat it” as reasons."
"Friends" of Senator Sanborn sent out glossy mailers and had road signs plastered throughout his voting district just before his election last year claiming, without a shred of evidence, that Democratic candidate Lee Nyquist supports pipelines. Many of those towns had been threatened by the NED pipeline, so the intended outcome was apparent. Perhaps the name on the signs and mailers accidentally had the wrong name put on them?
Note that both of these Senators were tied to the desperate race to push through the $25M+ Liberty Utilities deal to put natural (fracked) gas in the State House, 27 state buildings, City of Concord buildings and downtown businesses while flat-out refusing to consider the no-cost to taxpayers option of renovating the existing Concord Steam facility and keeping NH forestry jobs.
As those with unethical motives persist in pushing pipelines, and other projects against the best interests of the people of the Granite State, we shall push back. It is up to us, the people of New Hampshire, to stop those who would use us for their own gain. It's been shown time and again that gas will not reduce our electricity rates and yet that false narrative continues to be used as justification and citizens accept it as truth, reinforcing the misinformation and outright lies.
Thank you Allie Morris and the Concord Monitor. Keep digging and we'll keep educating about the clean energy options that will bring abundant renewable energy, tens of thousands of jobs and an economic boost to our state. The options come without the filth, toxic threats to our air, water and food associated with the dying fossil fuel industry and unnecessary expense to the citizens of our state. We will not be locked into a fossil fuel future.
Where's the outrage New Hampshire? Your lawmakers, both Republican and Democrat, are making decisions against science, reason, our finances, health, well being and the future of the children of our state.
I'll see you at the March for Science on April 22nd, Earth Day, in front of the State House. You can also join ECHO Action at the People's Climate March in Washington, D.C. on April 29th!
ECHO Action is planning a pipeline pushback in response to Governor Sununu's call for EPA Chair, Scott Pruitt to assist him in getting back "burdensome" pipeline regulations in New Hampshire.
Sign up today for our newsletter and volunteer in support of our pipeline opposition campaign.