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Steve for Governor. Here's why.

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin


Bland, unremarkable, always talking in circles, avoiding issues.

New Hampshire's hardcore liberals are getting on board with #Berniecrat Steve Marchand for Governor. He says YES to pushing forward with #ClimateAction #CleanEnergy #Solar #Wind and #NHoffshoreWIND. He firmly says #NoPipelines and #NoNorthernPass without qualifiers. We've had enough of "opposed as proposed", the blanket response of establishment Democrats. Pipeline opponents and clean energy advocates are listening to Steve Marchand, endorsed by Rights & Democracy NH.

I chatted with Colin in Nashua on Monday night. Witnesses were appalled that when I approached him to ask a question, he put his hand up and said he knew he couldn't win my vote and began walking away. Perhaps he won't ask what he can do to win my (our) vote because he's unwilling to take more than the party's minimalist, incremental stance on climate and clean energy. Unacceptable. We need to be working towards a #FossilFree603.I generally prefer to talk up those with good things going on, but I think it's important to help pipeline opponents to understand the very important choice we need to make on September 13th in the NH primary. Please do vote!

Colin Van Gutless


Brave, brave, Sir Colin. When danger raised its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled. Tuesday, we concluded our Voters First candidate interview series by sitting down with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Connolly. Yes, a Democrat dared to beard the publisher in his den, and lived. We were also pleased to welcome Steve Marchand. In fact, almost every major candidate in a contested primary was willing to sit down for an in-depth interview, facing tough questions from us, and from voters watching live online. But not cowardly Colin Van Ostern. The Concord Democrat refused our polite invitation, and we’ll try not to take it personally. Frank Guinta was the only other candidate in a contested primary who refused to be interviewed. That’s not good company. Van Ostern has the Democratic Party machine behind him, including the state employees union and Planned Parenthood. Who needs the Union Leader? He might be surprised to learn quite a few Democrats read our paper, even if they often disagree with our editorial page. Does Van Ostern think even talking to New Hampshire’s only statewide newspaper would offend the hardcore liberal voters he’s courting? Or was he simply afraid to answer for his hollow campaign? Van Ostern’s refusal to be interviewed bodes poorly for him. Would he refuse to deal with conservatives in the Legislature and Executive Council? Regardless, why would we want such a wimp to be our governor?


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