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Stop HB 592, HB 114 and HB 317 bills that will cut energy efficiency & renewables, pave the way

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

As the end of the year draws near, there is much activity taking place that will shape the upcoming year. Liberty Utilities has proposed a pipeline that, if approved, will open the door to more expansion of fracked gas and pipelines. The time for us to take action is now.

Please take a few moments today to email your representative and ask them to VOTE NO on bills HB 592, HB 114 and HB 317 on January 3rd.

We desperately need your support right now and increasingly as our scenic state is under attack from those who want to lock us into a fossil fuel future that will not lower our energy rates and puts us all at risk.

Thank you for your continued support. Please share this email with others who support a clean energy future for the Granite State. Invite them to become a member of the ECHO Action team and take action with us!

If you are able to make a donation, your support is really needed right now!

While your monetary donations help to sustain our work, it's your words, your voice, your action that we value, supporting the work we do each day.

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New Hampshire Sustainable Energy Association has asked for our support in responding to upcoming bills that are damaging to air and water quality, wildlife, snow cover due to rising temperatures, tourism, renewable energy jobs and climate. Reducing RGGI funding through these bills means far less money to assist with energy efficiency.

🔸 Freezing the NH Renewable Portfolio instead of increasing our renewable energy goals, means fewer jobs in the booming solar industry.

🔸 It helps Liberty Utilities and Eversource push more gas pipelines throughout the state.

🔸 More gas and pipelines puts our health, safety and jobs at risk without reducing electricity bills.


Your immediate action is desperately needed. We want to remind you that Liberty Utilities just proposed a pipeline from Manchester to Stratham. If there is not enough resistance, if we lower renewable goals, other pipelines will be proposed.



"We need your help on the upcoming retained bills, HB 592, HB 114 and HB 317. These very BAD bills are being voted on by the full House on January 3rd, and both have been recommended by the House Energy Committee as "ought-to-pass" (on a very marginal vote of 11-10).

HB 592 would eliminate the remaining RGGI dollars that we have in NH to invest in energy efficiency (the first dollar of each allowance) and would rebate that as miniscule embedded bill credits.

HB 114 would freeze NH's Renewable Portfolio Standard's Class I at 7.8% (it is otherwise supposed to grow to 15%), so we would fail to reach our 25% by 2025 goal.

HB 317 would require full Legislative approval to raise the System Benefits Charge (SBC) in the future and for any purpose other than for the current three year plan of the Energy Efficiency Resource Standard (EERS).

If these bills pass, thousands of jobs will be threatened and lost.

If passed, these bills will raise energy costs for everyone in the long run.

These bills would incrementally increase our dependence on natural gas, and therefore the need for new and expanded pipelines.

Please email the full House and/or your Rep by January 2nd, asking them to VOTE NO on these bills."


SCRIPT (Personalize if possible)

You may use the script below to email and/or call your representatives, but personalized emails hold more weight, so if you use the text below, try to add a few comments from your own perspective as...

- a NH resident

- a NED pipeline opponent

- a climate activist

- a parent for clean air & water

- a citizen concerned about health and safety

Dear NH House Representatives,

For the sake of health, safety and jobs, please vote against bills HB 592, HB 114 and HB 317 on January 3rd.

These bills take much-needed funds for energy efficiency away from citizens who need it. The extremely low temperatures we're experiencing right now exemplify conditions under which homes and businesses need to be well-insulated, promoting energy efficiency to use less fuel.

House bills 592, 114 and 317 aim at reducing renewable energy goals and energy efficiency. Solar is a booming business in New Hampshire, providing for many jobs. We are consistently behind Massachusetts and Vermont in renewable goals. It's time for New Hampshire to promote innovation and long-term sustainable jobs.

I am concerned about these bills putting our state's economy and job opportunities at risk as companies like Liberty Utilities and Eversource push natural (fracked) gas expansion and pipelines that threaten our scenic state, safety and health.

Please support families, businesses, every person in New Hampshire by saying no to HB 592, 114 and 317.


Your Name

Email every representative in the House at


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