To the Editor:
On May 23, Liberty Utilities held an open house so that the public could learn about the Granite Bridge gas pipeline it proposes to build from Manchester to Stratham, and a huge LNG storage tank in Epping. I learned that every Liberty heating customer will pay for this $340 million project. Liberty plans to add a fee of about $2.60 a month ($31.20 a year). I asked several Liberty employees for how many years ratepayers would have to pay the fee, and the answers varied from 20, to 40, to 52. The primary argument for building the pipeline and storage tank is so that Liberty can buy in the summer when prices are low, store it for the winter when prices are high, and pass that savings on to ratepayers. The capacity of the tank is larger than the Rainbow tank in Boston and far exceeds what New Hampshire needs. Does this mean that Liberty plans to use the tank to supply customers outside of New Hampshire? Or even export? I can find no documentation on how much less a month ratepayers will pay for their fuel. Their website projects $240 million in savings. But it said it would cost $340 million to build! Where is that other $100 million going? According to this math, ratepayers will not be saving any money, and, moreover, Liberty is getting you to pay for growing its business. Liberty customers, educate yourselves on this proposal. MARY BETH RAVEN Merrimack
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