An NHPR article shared a new Yale Climate Change Communication survey that they have been doing annually since 2008. They survey thousands of Americans asking about their beliefs about the impacts of global warming and climate change. NH was included.
"The group’s latest poll says just over half of people in Grafton, Sullivan and Cheshire Counties believe global warming is harming their community. That’s on par with the national average." The numbers are lower across the rest of NH, including coastal areas that are at risk of damage or loss of properties due to rising sea level.
"The poll says more than half of New Hampshire residents also believe fossil fuel companies are responsible for global warming impacts, and should pay to fix them."
We agree. It's time for the NH State Senate to join us in calling for a moratorium on all fossil fuel expansion and a stop to the push for the Granite Bridge Pipeline from Manchester to the seacoast. #NoGraniteBridgePipeline. #NHpolitics #FITN #LiveFossilFreeOrDie