On August 17th, InDepthNH News posted the following photo and comment on their Facebook page with the title, "You Got Elected, Now NH Wants To Know".

"Editor’s Note: InDepthNH.org is launching a new column that encourages you to ask your elected officials questions that you want answered. Send them to me at nancywestnews@gmail.com and I will put them to elected officials, whether they are members of the Congressional delegation, the governor or your local selectmen. I will update you on their answers and how long it takes for them to respond. — Thanks, Nancy WestDear Gov. Chris Sununu, U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan, U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster, U.S. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter. InDepthNH.org, a nonprofit news outlet published online by the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism, is launching a new series to help citizens hold government accountable."
I posed this question:
"Senators Shaheen and Hassan,
You were absent from the Senate on August 3rd when two of Trump's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) nominees were confirmed at the last minute before recess, restoring a quorum. There were no objections from any Democrat, despite calls & personal visits from myself and other members of the FERC Reform Coalition, representing more than 200 organizations asking for your support. In fact, the Senate appeared to be empty. Republicans would never allow such an action to go unchecked.
Senator Hassan, your office said you didn't find the nominees controversial.
Senator Shaheen, your office reminded me that you had proposed legislation for public input at FERC.
The inaction on the part of the entire party suggests a deliberate decision to allow Republicans to move forward with a FERC quorum so that pipelines can be approved, and since Trump just accelerated the pipeline approval process, communities across America, including in New England, are under more of a threat than ever.
Climate change is real and it requires immediate, aggressive action. The time for "bridge fuels" and minimalism has long since passed. Why weren't you there to try to stall the quorum and what or who is holding you back from taking a strong stand against the fossil fuel industry?
Stephanie A. Scherr
ECHO Action NH & NH Pipeline Resistance"
I received an email from Editor Nancy West asking for me to edit down the question and email it to her. I did and then did not hear back. On September 13th I emailed Nancy West and asked her if there was any movement on the question. She asked me to email it to her again.
Like a dog with a bone, we're not letting go of this one. If you would like answers to where our senators were, we encourage you to call them, but also, contact InDepthNH and let them know that you would like to know the answer to this question!
Senator Shaheen: 202-224-2841
Senator Hassan: 202-224-3324