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Fight...for your proootest!

Writer: ECHO Action AdminECHO Action Admin

Stephanie Scherr

ECHO Action Team, Activist Echoes Editor

It is your 1st Amendment right to peacefully assemble and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

The "free speech zones" at political events also restrict free speech. Legislators in some states want to make it illegal for us to peacefully assemble and demonstrate.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." #1A #NHpolitics


"In the year since the last activists were evicted, the crackdown on journalists and activists has only intensified."

"Photojournalist Tracie Williams, on assignment for the National Press Photographers’ Association, captured some of what happened next. Officers wearing military fatigues walked through the camp with assault rifles and knives, which they used to slice open the skins of teepees. Rain and fat flakes of snow fell against a backdrop of smoke rising from structures that had been set alight in a ceremonial gesture. Moments after clicking through the last two frames on her memory card—of two men in prayer, weapons aimed at their heads—she was arrested. Williams, who had been documenting life at Oceti Sakowin for three weeks leading up to the raid, told officers she was a journalist—and says she’d previously identified herself as a member of the press to the governor and the Army Corps and let them know that she’d be there, documenting, and obtained a press credential from the Morton County Sheriff—but they confiscated her equipment as evidence and detained her anyway. Williams was later charged with physical obstruction of government function, a Class A misdemeanor that could result in a year in jail and $3,000 in fines. Her trial is scheduled for June."


(The Nation)


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